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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 工商管理 > 正文


 2022-04-10 22:22:37  


摘 要


关键词:产业集群 创新 政府 对策

Research on the role and countermeasures of governments in promoting industrial cluster innovation


As China's economy continues to develop industrial clusters as a new economic push came into being. In the national advocate the implementation of the requirements of innovation-driven, industry cluster innovation to promote industrial cluster development has become an important direction, and the role of government in industrial clusters innovation should not be underestimated. Through literature review, this article for on cluster innovation literature, information, etc. were collected and relevant theories of data analysis, summarized industry cluster innovation definition, traction mechanisms and drivers, but also further refined outlines the Government industry cluster innovation in the role, including a clear positioning industry, the development of industrial planning, industrial base to provide guidance industrial development. On the basis of the development of industrial clusters Situation and Innovation of Industrial Cluster status was briefly recalled by the analysis of government in promoting industrial clusters innovation problems from positioning, planning officials assessment, power management, innovation system put forward five areas to promote industrial cluster innovation specific strategies.

Key Words: Industrial clusters; Innovation; Governments; Countermeasures

目 录

摘要 I


第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2 文献综述 2

1.3 研究思路 2

1.4 研究目的及方法 3

第二章 相关理论概述 4

2.1 产业集群创新的定义 4

2.2 产业集群创新的机制 5

2.3 产业集群创新的推动因素 5

2.3.1 基础设施 5

2.3.2 资本投资 6

2.3.3 技术环境 6

2.3.4 劳动力供给 7

2.3.5 制度因素 7

第三章 政府在产业集群创新中的作用 8

3.1 明确产业定位 8

3.2 制定产业规划 8

3.3 提供产业基础 9

3.4 指导产业发展 9

第四章 我国产业集群的现状及创新中存在的问题 10

4.1 我国产业集群的发展现状 10

4.1.1 在地域上,我国产业集群分布极其不均匀 10

4.1.2 在行业上,产业集群主要集中在传统行业 10

4.2 我国产业集群目前的创新现状 11

4.2.1产业集群间缺少协同创新机制 11

4.2.2属于渐进性创新而非突破性创新 11

4.2.3缺乏有效的法律推动 11

4.3政府在推动产业集群创新中存在的问题 12

4.3.1 政府角色定位失误 12

4.3.2 规划脱离实际 12

4.3.3 官员盲目追求政绩 12

4.4.4 对新兴产业集群创新缺乏有效指导 13

第五章 基于产业集群创新的策略分析 14

5.1 明确角色定位 14

5.2 制定合理性规划,加强政府绩效考核 14

5.3 实行长期规划制度,落实问责制 15

5.4 实行放权化管理,弱化政府干预 15

5.5 建立有效的产学研系统,带动产业集群创新 16

结语 17

参考文献 18

致谢 20

第一章 绪论





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