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 2022-01-30 19:57:38  


摘 要




关键词:协同创新 组织模式 运行机制 创新体系

Mechanism and countermeasures of establishing Jiangsu industrial technology collaborative innovation system under the new normal


Facing the international situation and the current situation of domestic industry development, China's economic development is in the strategic opportunity period, the economic operation presents a new law, the industrial transformation and upgrading and innovation drive become the most urgent subject under the new normal. It is a new situation to construct a cooperative innovation system, perfect the system of collaborative innovation support machine and optimize the innovation ecosystem. The key to nurturing the new kinetic energy of China's economic development is in line with the laws of domestic and foreign industrial development and the law of scientific and technological innovation. It is a new scientific research organization model for higher schools, scientific research institutions and industrial enterprises to improve the ability of scientific and technological innovation. It is an important support and reality for the implementation of the eighteen spirit, especially the spirit of the thirteen Party Congress in Jiangsu province.

This paper, taking the new normal economy as the background, summarizes and summarizes the modes of promoting industrial technology synergy innovation through literature reading, experience summary and comparative research. This paper also reveals the factors that restrict the cooperative innovation system of industrial technology in Jiangsu, and on this basis puts forward the countermeasures to establish a cooperative innovation system of industrial technology in Jiangsu under the new normal state. First, through literature review, summarize the related theories; secondly, compare and analyze the model and experience of industrial technology synergistic innovation system at home and abroad, as well as the mechanism to promote the healthy development of industrial technology synergistic innovation system, then carry out an example analysis, summarize the experience, and finally summarize the conclusions and shortcomings of this paper.

This paper finally draws the conclusion that the establishment of Jiangsu industrial technology synergistic innovation system should be based on the core of enterprises, colleges and governments, and build a collaborative innovation ecosystem based on scientific and technological cooperation, Knowledge Synergy and regional synergy, and improve the organization and management mechanism, benefit allocation and risk bearing mechanism and communication mechanism, and increase the government. Macroeconomic support for regulation, support and financial support.

Key words: collaborative innovation ;organization mode; operation mechanism; innovation system


摘要 I

Abstract I

目录 IV

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 选题背景及意义 1

1.1.1 研究背景 1

1.1.2 研究意义 1

1.2 研究内容与研究思路 2

1.3 创新点 2

第二章 文献综述 3

2.1 协同创新理论基础与内涵 3

2.1.1 经济新常态理论 3

2.1.2 三重螺旋理论 3

2.1.3 协同创新理论内涵 3

2.2 协同创新体系组织模式 4

2.2.1 战略-知识-组织三重互动模式 4

2.2.2 六种模式 类平台模式 6

2.2.3 实践型模式 7

2.3 协同创新运行机制涉及要素 8

2.3.1 动力 8

2.3.2 支持与激励 8

2.3.3 利益与风险 9

2.4 协同创新体系运行能力和绩效评价 9

第三章 江苏产业技术协同创新体系发展存在的问题与成因 11

3.1 创新动力不足 11

3.2 资源供给结构不合理 11

3.3 创新成果的转化率低 12

3.4 协同创新的资金投入不足 12

3.5 协同创新的体系不健全 12

第四章 国内外产业技术协同创新模式与措施比较 14

4.1 科技协同创新模式——产业技术创新平台 14

4.1.1 科大讯飞语音产业联盟 14

4.1.2 日本产业技术综合研究院 16

4.2. 知识协同创新模式——高校协同创新中心/平台 17

4.2.1 2011协同创新中心 17

4.2.2 美国大学PoCC(概念验证中心) 19

4.3 区域协同创新模式——政府层面协同创新联盟/平台 20

4.3.1 江苏省产业技术研究院 20

4.3.2 加拿大NCE协同创新计划 21

第五章 构建促进产业技术协同创新体系有效发展的机制 24

5.1 动力机制 24

5.2 资源供给机制 25

5.3 评价与监督机制 26

第六章 实例分析——江苏新医药产业 28

6.1 背景概况 28

6.2 遇到的问题及解决措施 29

6.2.1 发展中出现的问题 29

6.2.2 解决措施 30

第七章 研究总结与展望 32

7.1新常态下推进江苏产业技术协同创新体系的对策建议 32

7.1.1 构建产业技术协同创新平台支撑体系 32

7.1.2 完善产业技术协同创新运行机制 32

7.1.3 加大推动产业技术协同创新的宏观支持力度 33

7.2 研究局限性与展望 34

参考文献 35

致谢 37



1.1.1 研究背景

2014年5月习近平总书记首次在公开场合提出经济新常态,指出中国经济目前正在向形态更高级、结构更合理、分工更复杂的阶段演化[1]。“新常态”已是指导中国经济实践、洞悉中国经济发展的一面镜子,“中高速、优结构、新动力、多挑战”是经济新常态下的主要特征。当前中国经济发展在迎来新的历史机遇的同时,也面临诸多问题:资源约束增加、人口红利减少、产能过剩等,同时,中国经济从双位数高速增长逐渐放缓到个位数。江苏省“十三五”规划明确提出用 20 年时间“建设具有全球影响力的产业科技创新中心”,近年来江苏全省上下认真贯彻落实中央和省的决策部署,大力推动创新要素向企业集聚,加强产学研协同创新,促进企业创新发展、快速发展[2]。从全球来看,随着经济全球化和知识型社会的逐步确立,创新的过程越来越复杂,创新主体不再局限于单个组织,协同创新已经在各个国家掀起了一股浪潮,为了应对这种经济形势,许多国家开始进行产业结构调整和技术创新。原有的经济模式已经不能适应我国在国际经济中的竞争,我国要保持原有的国际地位不动摇甚至更进一步,就必须要在产业上有所突破,在原有的基础上完成产业升级,着眼转型升级和创新驱动。



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