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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 工商管理 > 正文


 2021-10-13 20:14:16  

摘 要





With the continuous improvement of people's living standards and the popularity of online shopping, online overseas purchasing has developed rapidly because of its price, quality and other advantages. However, the implementation of the new tax policy has brought a certain impact to overseas purchasing industry. This paper takes the Taobao shop "International Mansion" as the main research object and studies on the management strategy of overseas purchasing cosmetics, including external marketing strategies and internal management strategies. Moreover, this paper will analyze its problems and put forward relevant improvement plans.

This paper consists of five chapters. The first chapter is the introduction, including the research background, purpose and significance, literature review, research methods and content. The second chapter is marketing strategy analysis of "International Mansion", including an overview of overseas purchasing, profiles of , product strategy "International Mansion", price strategy and so on. The third chapter is the analysis of the internal management strategy, including the mansion and warehouse workers management, credit evaluation management, customer relationship management and so on. The fourth chapter is the analysis of existing problems and suggestions. The last chapter is the summary and outlook of the whole thesis。

Key words: "International Mansion";overseas purchasing;marketing strategy

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景、目的和意义 1

1.2国内外相关研究综述 1

1.3研究内容与研究方法 2

第2章 “万国公馆”海外代购营销策略分析 3

2.1海外代购概述 3

2.2 “万国公馆”简介 3

2.3 产品策略 4

2.4 价格策略 4

2.4.1 低价策略 4

2.4.2 成本定价策略 5

2.5 促销策略 5

2.5.1 “满就送”和“满就包邮 5

2.5.2 打折加秒杀 6

2.5.3 搭配套餐 6

2.6 渠道策略 7

2.6.1 供应商的选择 7

2.6.2 物流的选择 7

第3章 “万国公馆”海外代购内部管理策略分析 8

3.1 仓库及工人管理 8

3.2 信用评价管理 8

3.2.1 销售数量 8

3.2.2 顾客评价 8

3.3 客户关系管理 9

3.4 搜索优化管理 9

第4章“万国公馆”海外代购存在的问题分析及对策建议 10

4.1 存在的问题与不足 10

4.1.1假货充斥市场,商品质量难保证 10

4.1.2定价不合理现象泛滥,商品价格难保障 10

4.1.3 消费者退换货处境艰难 10

4.1.4 物流控制能力差 11

4.1.5 推广方式没新意 11

4.1.6 售后服务质量不佳 11

4.1.7 客户关系管理不善 11

4.2 对策建议 11

4.2.1 微信直播 11

4.2.2建立口碑宣传 12

4.2.3 购买运费险,实行线上、线下的双向发展 12

4.2.4 微瑕特卖 12

4.2.5微信VIP制度 13

4.2.6改善服务质量,提高客户满意度 13

4.2.7有效整合客户资源 13

第5章 总结和展望 15

参考文献 16

致 谢 17

第1章 绪论




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