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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 工商管理 > 正文


 2021-04-21 23:11:42  

摘 要





As a new type of social and economic organization, the technology business incubator plays an important role in cultivating small and medium-sized technology companies, promoting the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, optimizing the industrial structure, and promoting the regional economic growth.After 30 years of development, the technology business incubator has made great achievements with the strong support of the government.Under the background of "Mass Entrepreneurship, all Innovation".Research on the influence Mechanism of Policy orientation on the performance of Technology Business Incubator.It is of great significance to improve the technology business incubator's entrepreneurship service function and performance.There is a negative correlation between entrepreneurial mentors and the performance of technology business incubators.

This thesis takes Hubei Province as an example to study the effect of the implementation of "Enterprise Entrepreneurship and cultivation Project of Science and Technology Enterprises in Hubei Province" on the performance of the technology business incubator in Hubei Province.Constructing the performance evaluation index system of technology business incubator from the science and technology condition policy,talent policy,investment and financing policy. Taking Hubei Province National Technology Business Incubator as a sample, establish regression model and carry out empirical research.The study found that:Promoting the technology business incubator to connect with the public technology service platform, the policy of risk investment is positively correlated with the performance of the technology business incubator, and the policy of the tutors is negatively correlated with the performance of the incubator.According to the results of the study, the government should strengthen the policy of scientific and technological conditions and encourage incubators to build professional technical service platforms.Improve talent policy, introduce experienced mentors and attach importance to talent training.At the same time, special funds should be set up to improve investment and financing policies and establish a sound supervision mechanism.

Key words: Technology business incubator policy guidance



第1章 导论 1

1.1研究背景、目的与意义 1

1.1.1研究背景 1

1.1.2研究目的 2

1.1.3研究意义 2

1.2国内外研究现状及评述 2

1.2.1关于科技企业孵化器绩效的研究 2

1.2.2关于科技企业孵化器社会网络的研究 3

1.2.3关于政策导向对科技企业孵化器绩效的影响机理研究 3

1.3研究内容与方法 4

1.3.1研究内容 4

1.3.2研究方法 4

第2章 政策导向与科技企业孵化器绩效的基本理论 5

2.1概念界定 5

2.1.1 政策导向 5

2.1.2 科技企业孵化器绩效 5

2.2理论框架 6

2.2.1创业经济理论 6

2.2.2要素禀赋理论 6

2.2.3社会网络理论 7

2.3 研究假设 7

第3章 数据来源与研究方法 10

3.1 数据来源 10

3.1.1 湖北省科技企业孵化器的总体发展现状 10

3.1.2 湖北省科技企业孵化器发展的政策导向 11

3.1.3湖北省科技企业孵化器绩效表现 12

3.2 研究方法 14

3.2.1 控制变量 14

3.2.2 自变量 14

3.2.3 因变量 15

3.2.4 方法选择 15

第4章 实证研究 16

4.1 描述性统计分析 16

4.1.1累计公共技术服务平台投资额 16

4.1.2创业导师 17

4.1.3在孵企业累计获风险投资额 18

4.2 回归分析 19

4.2.1科技企业孵化器孵化绩效回归分析 19

4.2.2科技企业孵化器经济绩效回归分析 21

4.3 结论及启示 23

4.3.1研究结论 23

4.3.2研究启示 25

第5章 全文总结与展望 27

5.1全文总结 27

5.2全文展望 28

参考文献 29

第1章 导论





在看到政策导向推动科技企业孵化器发展的同时,我国孵化器还存在资源配置失衡和运行效率不高的问题[[3]],具体包括:政策执行不到位。十二五期间科技部出台了科技企业孵化器发展规划纲要,大力支持我国科技企业孵化器行业发展。然而各省市虽然出台了很多政策,建立了大量的科技企业孵化器,但孵化器所取得的经济效益、社会效益却较为一般[[4]]。政府监管不严。孵化器建设过程中部分存在着: 孵化项目审批把关不严、政府监督管理不严、政策执行不到位、专项资金使用不当,以及孵化器服务质量良莠不齐、孵化效果不如人意等问题[[5]]。


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