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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 工商管理 > 正文


 2020-08-13 20:49:57  

摘 要







Since the 21st century, the popularity of the Internet has spawned a new financial model of Internet finance. Under the aestus of "mass entrepreneurship, innovation", the emergence of equity-based crowd-funding provides a new financing channels for the start-up enterprises. As one of the hot issues of the contemporary financial economy, equity-based crowd-funding has developed into the core model of Internet finance.

The earliest crowd-funding began in 2009 in the United States, and then entered China in 2011. Equity-based crowd-funding is one of the various models. In China, it first appeared in 2013. In the use of the Internet's large data advantages and social functions, it established an efficient, diverse and sustainable cross-border resource ecosystem, and has now become an important financing channels for start-ups. Its’ development in China is very fast, but there are also many problems. Therefore, it is very important to explore the development strategy and risk analysis of the equity-based crowd-funding in China under the existing legal environment.

In this paper, the PEST analysis method is used to analyze the macroscopic environment of the development of equity-based crowd-funding in China, and the research status of foreign equity participation is summarized through the study of foreign related research literature and foreign websites. At the same time, through the study of "all the house" and "Zhongguancun alliances", the development and the published information of the other equity industry organizations, I summed up the development of equity in the domestic status quo and its operating mode and profit model in China.

On the basis of the above research, this paper summarizes the problems encountered in the process of the development of the equity-based crowd-funding, and innovates and optimizes the development model of the equity-based crowd-funding in the existing legal environment. Secondly, this article also summarizes the research of other scholars, and puts forward some suggestions for perfecting the laws and regulations of our country. Finally, this paper puts forward the specific risk prevention and supervision suggestions by summing up the risk problems in the development process of the equity-based crowd-funding and combining with the risk prevention measures of the well-developed platform and the preventive suggestions on the risk of the equity, promoting the development of equity-based crowd-funding.

Key words: Internet finance; Equity-based crowd-funding; Model optimization; Risk prevention

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究意义 1

1.3 研究方法及技术路线 1

第2章 互联网金融及股权众筹概述 3

2.1 互联网金融概述 3

2.1.1 互联网金融概念 3

2.1.2 互联网金融模式 3

2.1.3 互联网金融未来发展趋势 4

2.2 股权众筹概述 4

2.2.1 股权众筹的概念 4

2.2.2 股权众筹的分类 4

2.2.3 股权众筹的运作模式 5

2.2.4 股权众筹的意义 6

2.2.5 互联网金融对股权众筹发展的影响 7

第3章 我国股权众筹发展的环境分析及前景预测 8

3.1 宏观环境分析 8

3.1.1 政治与法律环境分析 8

3.1.2 经济环境分析 9

3.1.3 社会文化环境分析 11

3.1.4 技术环境分析 12

3.2 股权众筹发展状况分析 12

3.2.1 国外股权众筹发展状况 12

3.2.2 国外股权众筹的法律法规监管状况 13

3.2.3 国内股权众筹发展状况 13

3.2.4 国内股权众筹的法律法规监管状况 14

3.3 我国股权众筹模式发展面临的主要难题 14

3.3.1 证券发行的合规性难题 14

3.3.2 众筹平台的规范性难题 15

3.3.3 普通投资人的风险承担能力难题 15

3.4 股权众筹的发展前景 16

第4章 我国股权众筹的商业模式分析 17

4.1 股权众筹平台运营模式 17

4.1.1 无领投股权众筹 17

4.1.2 领投 跟投股权众筹 17

4.2 股权众筹平台盈利模式 19

4.2.1 交易佣金 20

4.2.2 跟投管理费 20

4.2.3 投资收益分成 20

4.2.4 股权回报 20

4.2.5 广告费 21

4.2.6 增值服务费 21

4.3 我国典型的股权众筹平台运作模式分析 21

4.3.1 天使汇 21

4.3.2 大家投 22

4.3.3 众投邦 22

4.3.4 中证众筹 22

第5章 我国股权众筹模式创新发展建议 23

5.1 众筹模式创新优化 23

5.1.1 现有法律法规下的众筹模式优化 23

5.1.2 完善法律法规以适应股权众筹的发展需求 24

5.2 众筹联盟导向式发展 25

5.2.1 充分发挥众筹之家的行业监管作用 25

5.2.2 推进股权众筹行业联盟的发展 25

5.3 发展众筹平台的国家队 26

第6章 我国股权众筹的风险分析 27

6.1 行业投资风险 27

6.1.1 操作风险 27

6.1.2 系统风险 27

6.1.3 欺诈风险 28

6.2 法律风险 28

6.2.1 非法集资风险 28

6.2.2 非法公开发行证券的风险 28

第7章 我国股权众筹的风险防范措施 29

7.1 行业投资风险防范措施 29

7.1.1 明确投资人认证标准 29

7.1.2 加强平台及项目审核 30

7.1.3 加强征信体系建设 31

7.1.4 加强投融资过程的监管力度 31

7.1.5 加强互联网技术的研发升级 31

7.2 法律风险防范措施 32

7.2.1 完善现有法律法规 32

7.2.2 发挥股权众筹联盟的协调作用 32

参考文献 33

致 谢 35

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景

进入21世纪,随着科技的不断进步,互联网进入了高速发展阶段。与此同时,各行各业均搭上这趟高速列车,开始新一模式下的突破,“互联网 ”成了最新的时尚代言词。在金融行业也不例外,我国互联网的发展促进了金融改革,2012年4月7日,谢平在“金融四十人年会”上首次公开提出了互联网金融的概念,而股权众筹作为当代金融经济的热点问题之一,已经发展成为互联网金融的核心模式。


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