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 2020-02-15 19:45:20  

摘 要



  1. 第一章阐述了确认不侵害商标权之诉的概念和特征。主要明确确认不侵害商标权之诉的概念和将之与商标侵权之诉进行相比,明确其所具有的特征。
  2. 第二章主要讨论确认不侵害商标权之诉的性质。在实务中普遍认为其属于侵权之诉的情形下,从诉的理论上对确认不侵害商标权之诉进行探讨并结合实务中的具体案例予以说明并提出相关建议。
  3. 第三章主要讨论确认不侵害商标权之诉的管辖。民事诉讼管辖分为级别管辖和地域管辖,在结合前述确认不侵害商标权之诉性质的基础上明确其管辖规则。主要阐述了其级别管辖的历史沿革,并结合理论和实务中的案例阐明现行有关商标权级别管辖的有关规定经过长足的发展已较为完善,对于级别管辖规则建议按照现行有关规定实行,无需另立特别规定。地域管辖则结合上述对确认不侵害商标权之诉性质的讨论,明确其为确认之诉后认为应按现行民事诉讼法规定的一般地域管辖规则确定其管辖,而不是现今实务中认为的按照侵权之诉的地域管辖规则确定管辖。
  4. 第四章讨论确认不侵害商标权之诉受理条件的相关问题。首先阐明受理条件的立法及司法解释的内容。在立法上没有相关法律对确认不侵害商标权之诉进行规定,但其本身作为民事诉讼理应符合民事诉讼法的相关规定。在司法解释中也没有相关规定,但在专利权解释中有关于受理条件的规定,虽然不是商标权的相关规定,但通过最高人民法院发布的相关批复和通知明确可知其受理条件也同样适用于商标确认之诉。其次是受理条件在实务中的应用情况,主要从实务案例中争议较大的侵权警告和权利人采取的措施两方面进行研究,阐明其问题并提出相应的建议。



With the increase in the number of litigations that confirm the non-infringement of trademark rights, the different practices of different courts on the same issue in practice have become increasingly prominent. In the absence of relevant laws and regulations, the confirmation of non-standardization of trademark litigation is confirmed. As a new type of lawsuit that has emerged in the near future, there are many problems in both theory and practice. This article elaborates on the nature, jurisdiction and acceptance conditions of the lawsuit that does not infringe the trademark right, and proposes oneself. Views and suggestions.

The content of this article is divided into four chapters:

1, the first chapter describes the concept and characteristics of the confirmation of non-infringement of trademark rights. It mainly confirms the concept of non-infringement of trademark rights and compares it with the trademark infringement lawsuit, and clarifies its characteristics.

2. The second chapter mainly discusses the nature of the complaints that confirm the non-infringement of trademark rights. In the case that it is generally considered to be an infringement lawsuit in practice, the lawsuit for the confirmation of non-infringement of trademark rights is discussed in the theory of the lawsuit and combined with specific cases in practice to explain and make relevant recommendations.

3. The third chapter mainly discusses the jurisdiction to confirm the non-infringement of trademark rights. The civil litigation jurisdiction is divided into level jurisdiction and territorial jurisdiction, and its jurisdiction rules are clarified on the basis of the above-mentioned confirmation of the nature of the complaints not infringing trademark rights. It mainly expounds the historical evolution of its level of jurisdiction, and combines the cases in theory and practice to clarify that the relevant provisions on the jurisdiction of the trademark rights level have been relatively well developed, and the recommendations on the level jurisdiction rules are implemented in accordance with the current relevant regulations. Special regulations. The geographical jurisdiction combines the above discussion on the nature of the complaints of non-infringement of trademark rights, and clarifies that it is a confirmed lawsuit and considers that it should be determined according to the general territorial jurisdiction rules stipulated in the current Civil Procedure Law, rather than the infringement considered in the current practice. The jurisdictional rules of the lawsuit determine jurisdiction.

4. Chapter 4 discusses issues related to the confirmation of the conditions for acceptance of non-infringement of trademark rights. First, clarify the content of the legislation and judicial interpretation of the conditions for acceptance. There is no relevant law in the legislation to stipulate the lawsuit for confirming non-infringement of trademark rights, but its own as a civil lawsuit should comply with the relevant provisions of the Civil Procedure Law. There is no relevant provision in judicial interpretation, but there are provisions on the conditions for acceptance in the interpretation of patent rights. Although it is not a relevant provision of trademark rights, it is clear that the conditions of acceptance are also applicable to the conditions of acceptance by the Supreme People’s Court. The trademark confirmation complaint. Secondly, it is the application of the acceptance conditions in practice. It mainly studies the disputed infringement warnings and the measures taken by the right holders in the practical cases, clarifies the problems and makes corresponding suggestions.

Keywords:Trademark right confirms non-infringement lawsuit;Jurisdiction;

Acceptance conditions;

目 录

1 绪论 1

1.1 研究目的及研究意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.3 研究内容 1

2 确认不侵害商标权诉讼概述 2

2.1 确认不侵害商标权之诉的产生背景 2

2.2 确认不侵害商标权的概念 2

2.3 确认不侵害商标权的特征 3

2.3.1 该诉讼中当事人的诉讼地位与侵权诉讼相反 3

2.3.2 须经过催告程序 3

2.3.3 诉讼的目的是为了消除权利义务不确定的状态 3

3 确认不侵害商标权诉讼的性质 3

3.1 侵权诉讼或确认之诉 3

3.2 确认不侵害商标权诉讼为确认之诉 4

4 确认不侵害商标权诉讼的管辖 5

4.1 确认不侵害商标权诉讼的级别管辖 5

4.2 确认不侵害商标权诉讼的地域管辖 7

5 确认不侵害商标权之诉的受理条件 8

5.1 受理条件立法及司法解释的内容 8

5.2 受理条件存在问题之解决 9

5.2.1 直接行政投诉不是侵权警告 10

5.2.2 起诉后又撤诉不构成侵权警告 12

5.2.3 海关扣押通知构成侵权警告 12

5.2.4 权利人的救济包括行政投诉 14

结 语 15

参 考 文 献 16

1 绪论

1.1 目的及意义



1.2 国内外研究现状

从国内的研究来看,2000年我国出现知识产权确认不侵权之诉以来,至今也不到20 年的时间,确立的时间尚短。商标权作为知识产权的下一级分级更是缺少相应的专题研究,研究商标权确认之诉的专题文章极少,而且研究得不够深入。从现有文献资料来看,有很多文章是从实体法的角度展开的,并且是由从事知识产权方面工作的人士完成,从诉讼法角度展开研究的不多。对从程序法角度展开研究而言,此问题尚有很大的研究空间。


1.3 研究内容


2 确认不侵害商标权诉讼概述

2.1 确认不侵害商标权之诉的产生背景


实务中,出现权利人向其竞争对手发出律师函或者警告信件,或者向其竞争对手的经销商一起发出律师函或者警告信件,对竞争对手进行侵权警告,干扰其正常经营活动如在汉高(中国)投资有限公司与贺定高等确认不侵害商标权纠纷一案中,[1] 因权利人向经营被警告方产品的相关网络平台投诉,致使被投诉人的产品下架。而且,一些权利人并不与被控侵权人协商解决,也不采取其他行动解决纠纷,在发出侵权警告函后。使得被控侵权人的权利义务法律关系处于模糊、不确定的状态。


2.2 确认不侵害商标权的概念


2.3 确认不侵害商标权的特征


2.3.1 该诉讼中当事人的诉讼地位与侵权诉讼相反。

该类诉讼争议的事实虽然还是以商标权权利是否被侵犯为中心,但其出发点不同。商标权侵权之诉是权利人或其独占许可人为使自己的权利免为他人侵犯所提起,只有权利人和独占许可人有资格以自己的名义提起侵权之诉,[[3]] 即其诉讼地位为原告。而确认不侵害商标权之诉是为被控侵权人提供的救济途径,即被控侵权人主动向法院提起诉讼,使得其诉讼地位变为原告,而权利人的诉讼地位则为被告。

2.3.2 须经过催告程序。

虽然现有法律和司法解释对此并没有明文规定,但是专利法解释中有相关规定并在最高院相关座谈会上得到确定,明确专利法解释的催告程序也适用于其他知识产权确认纠纷,即提起确认不侵害商标权诉讼也应有前置催告程序。[[4]] 这不同于商标权侵权之诉,商标权侵权之诉并无其他前置程序予以制约,只要权利人认为他人侵犯自己的权利即可提起诉讼。

2.3.3 诉讼的目的是为了消除权利义务不确定的状态。



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