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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 法学类 > 法学 > 正文


 2022-05-14 19:45:32  


摘 要





关键词:格式合同 说明义务 诚信原则

The format contract obligations


Since establishing market economy system in our country, contract the position in social and economic increasing.Contract is widely used to promote the development of the economy, but also a series of social problems, many unreasonable contract is a legal cloak overlord terms.

Format contract is a contract law of the development of the important symbol of the 20th century, especially after world war ii, the format contract is applied to almost all of the business.On the one hand, the format contract to solve the problem of expanding of the modern market, the development of trade specialization and made contributions to the increase of transaction cost problems such as;Format terms, on the other hand, to a certain extent, the impact of contract freedom principles, destroy the basis for the purpose of both contracting parties, make form and essentially unfair when concluding the contract.In the contract the contracting process, format contract providers to demonstrative obligation is to rectify the inequality of format contract, is the maintenance of justice about the contract.

Although format contract exist some disadvantages, but considering of the need to improve the efficiency and safety, the countries to acknowledge the legitimacy of the format contract, the key is to how to regulating the format contract, this is the trend of the development of the contemporary contract law.The provisions of the demonstrative obligation is an important part of format contract regulation, how to go from the starting point of contract for asymmetric information between the parties to a contract, adhere to the principle of contract freedom, and maintain the contract justice, to protect the interests of the disadvantaged consumers, become legal science must focus on the important topic, is also in this paper, the format contract legislation demonstrative obligation of regulation on the significance of the study.

Based on the legal norms in the contract concluded as foothold in China, analyzes the legislative defects demonstrative obligation in the format contract concluded, and draw lessons from foreign advanced legislation experience, to the extent of format contract law shows an obligation and the way and the cognizance of the corresponding legal responsibility analysis.

Keywords: format contract; information asymmetry;demonstrative obligation principle of good faith

目 录

中文摘要 I

英文摘要 II

引言 1

一、格式合同说明义务基本理论的分析 2

(一)格式合同说明义务产生原因:信息不对称 2

(二)格式合同说明义务直接理论来源:诚实信用原则 3

(三)格式合同的提出与契约自由冲突 3

二、格式合同说明义务规定的缺陷和不足 5

(一)我国的法律对格式合同说明义务的规定 5

(二)格式合同说明义务立法上欠缺和不足 7

三、格式合同说明义务的外国法借鉴 8

(一)德国法中格式合同说明义务 8

(二)日本法格式合同提供人的说明义务 9

四、完善我国格式合同说明义务的建议 10

(一)制定专门规制格式合同的法律 10

(二)完善说明义务的履行程度 11

(三)补充格式合同提供人未履行说明义务的法律责任 11

结语 13

参考文献 14

引 言



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