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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 法学类 > 法学 > 正文


 2022-03-22 20:33:55  


摘 要




关键词:建议 著作权集体管理 著作权 完善

On the Perfection of the Copyright Collective Management System


Copyright is an important part of intellectual property is a private right, in principle, should have their own copyright rights holders exercise. In practice, however, with the continuous development of science and technology, but also to the traditional copyright protection challenges. Copyright collective management system came into being, it gives copyright collective management organization to manage its interests through work authorization rights. As a supplement to the traditional personal copyright protection, the copyright collective management system is an important part of modern copyright protection. Copyright collective management organization to achieve and protect its members' rights and interests of copyright as the core, under the premise of respecting the copyright, the pursuit of work efficiency, while promoting the effective dissemination of works of copyright holders, users or the public are beneficial. In addition, to some extent, also contributed to the development of China's cultural undertakings.

Collective Administration of Copyright late start compared with Western countries, development is relatively slow, there is a certain lack of legislative, institutional organizations in the management does not fully play its due role in the theory nor depth, with development of the world economic and political integration of our country and international exchanges become more frequent, for the protection of intellectual property has become more prominent important, therefore, to strengthen research to improve our collective system of copyright, copyright protection for the development of the field has important practical

Taking the argument "Beijing Evening News" and the Music Copyright Society of China as the starting point from which Summarization of Present Situation copyright collective management system, and then analyze the system of collective management of copyright and practices that exist in the legislation, and for propose appropriate recommendations to improve these problems.

Keywords: Copyright; Copyright collective management organization; Perfect; Recommendations;

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

引 言 1

一、我国著作权集体管理的现状及问题 2

(一)我国著作权集体管理的现状 2

1.在法制建设上起步晚,发展缓慢 2

2.组织成立时间短,组织建设上存在不足 2

(二)国内著作权集体管理制度所面临的问题 3

1.立法缺失 4

2.法律执行中的问题 5

二、我国著作权集体管理制度问题产生的原因 7

(一) 制度不够完善 7

(二)监督管理不到位 8

(三) 权利意识缺乏 8

三、国内著作权集体管理制度的完善建议 9

(一)完善著作权集体管理的相关立法律制定 9

1. 完善相关法律制度 9

2.使用费标准的制定 9

3.促进集体管理组织自身组织的成立健全 9

4.引入延伸性著作权管理制度 10

(二)著作权的集体管理制度实践中的完善建议 10

1.增强行政监督与内外部监督的结合 10

2.引入争议纠纷解决机制 11

3.做好著作权集体管理制度的宣传工作 12

4.提高著作权人的维权意识 13

结 语 14

参考文献 15

致 谢 17

引 言


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