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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 法学类 > 法学 > 正文


 2022-02-16 20:38:53  


摘 要



关键词:国际私法 法律规避 公共秩序保留 直接适用的法 强行法

Evasion of Law in Private International Law


With the development of modern society, there are many reasons such as the increasingly frequent international civil and commercial exchanges, the instinctive profitability of human and the diversity of national legal order that make people have more legal choice, at the same time, it also leads to the possibility of legal circumvention, then the legal circumvention system becomes an important part of traditional private international law. However, at the present time, the legislation of our country on the circumvention system has not been perfected and needs to be improved.

On the basis of synthesizing the academic achievements of the predecessors, this paper offers a new analysis of the legal circumvention system in the international private law of our country by using the inductive methodand so on, trying to clarify the relationships between the legal circumvention and the direct application of the law and etc, which is in order to find the methods and ways to improve the legal system. Because the concept of legal circumvention has not unified and accurate definition in the theoretical cycle, so this article first starts from the basis of researches of the previous scholars to dig out the controversies on the definition of the legal circumvention and analyze them, then define the concept of legal circumvention according to the special needs of China's national conditions. Secondly, this paper will summarize the relevant legislation on the legal circumvention at the present time in our country, and analyze the main problems existing in the current legal circumvention system. Finally, this paper puts forward some improvement programs by analyzing the main problems in the previous text and the main reasons for their existence.

Key Words: Private International Law; Evasion of Law; public order; the Law of applicable law; legal compulsory standardization

目 录

中文摘要 I

英文摘要 II

引言 1

一、法律规避的涵义 1

(一)法律规避的概念界定 1

(二)法律规避的构成要件 2

二、法律规避及相关制度的探讨 2

(一)法律规避和直接适用的法 3

1.法律规避和直接适用的法的区别 3

2.法律规避和直接适用的法的联系 3

(二)法律规避和强行法 3

(三)法律规避和公共秩序保留 4

三、法律规避的立法 5

(一)大陆法系国家 5

1.主要大陆法系国家 5

2.我国法律规避的立法 5

(二)英美法系国家 6

四、法律规避的效力 6

(一)法律规避的绝对无效 6

(二)法律规避的部分有效 7

五、我国法律规避的缺陷及完善 7

(一)我国法律规避的缺陷 7

(二)我国法律规避的完善 8

1.无需将法律规避上升为独立制度 8

2.借助公共秩序保留等制度 9

结语 10

参考文献 11

致谢 12

引 言







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