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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 法学类 > 法学 > 正文


 2022-02-15 22:23:04  


摘 要


关键词:占有 消灭时效 即时取得 时效取得

Briefly describes the necessity of Positive Prescription


The system of acquisitive prescription is a vital component of possession system among the traditional civil law.The institution of acquisitive prescription regulates that untitled civilians could acquire proprietorship legally if they occupy the object which belongs to others overtly, peacefully and constantly during the limited legal period.Nowadays,the acquisitive prescription system has been adopted by many countries practicing the continental law system while the property law of Chinese mainland lacks the related system.At the same time,Chinese mainland only stipulates the system of extinctive prescription. There are two contrary standpoints in the field of law.On one side,affirmatives stand up for the system of acquisitive prescription from discussing its effects on the attribution of property right,utilization efficiency of property,social function and so on.On the other side,negatives believe that acquisitive prescription could rise many moral issues,which means man can occupy others’ property without justicial legal basis.what’s worse,the institution of bona fide acquisition and negative prescription can substitute for the system acquisitive prescription.From my point of view, It’s essential that Chinese mainland should establish the system of usucapion.To support this opinion,I study the function of usucapion by researching its connotation, historic evolution,range of application and associations with other system from different angles by referring to the civil law of Chain Taiwan and other countries in the meanwhile across my thesis.

Key Words: Possession; Negative prescription; Bona fide acquisition; Acquisitive prescription


中文摘要 I

英文摘要 II

一、时效取得相关概念辨析 1

(一)取得时效与消灭时效 1

(二)时效取得与先占辨析 2

(三)时效取得的法律内涵 2

二、时效取得制度的历史和演变 3

(一)时效取得制度的源流 3

1.时效取得制度的起源 3

2.时效取得制度的流变 4

(二)时效取得制度的现状比较 5

1.其他国家和地区 5

2.我国台湾地区 6

3.我国现行立法 6

三、时效取得制度在物权法中设立的必要性 7

(一)时效取得制度的价值与功能 8

1.时效取得制度的价值分析 9

2.时效取得制度之功能所在 9

3.时效取得制度存在的社会经济基础 11

(二)时效取得制度与其他物权制度的关系 11

1.时效取得与即时取得 11

2.时效取得与公信制度 12

(三)时效取得之下原物权人之救济 12

四、我国建立时效取得制度之探索 13

(一)所有权时效取得 13

1.动产所有权时效取得 13

2. 不动产所有权时效取得 15

(二)所有权以外其他财产权的时效取得 16

1.用益物权的时效取得之适用与否 16

2.知识产权的时效取得 16

(三)时效取得制度适用特殊情形 17

1.国家财产的适用 17

2.其他适用、不适用时效取得特殊情形 17

结语 19

参考文献 20

致谢 21





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