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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 法学类 > 法学 > 正文


 2022-01-19 21:08:13  


摘 要


关键词:大数据 患者隐私 个人信息

Legal Protection of Patient Privacy Right in the Age of Big Data


As a powerful promoter of medical informatization and precision, medical big data also brings new threats to patients' privacy rights. Under the impact of emerging technologies, the traditional privacy legal protection system is bearing an unprecedented burden. The first part of this paper attempts to clarify the definition boundary of patients' right of privacy. The second part mainly analyzes the status quo of the protection of China's laws and the current problems. The third part explores the valuable experience of patient privacy system construction in European and American countries by analyzing the patient privacy protection paths under two different modes. This paper aims to explore the ways to protect patients' privacy in China, so as to meet the requirements of principle of interest balance and to take into account the balance between the protection and utilization of medical information. So in the fourth part, the author proposes suggestions from two aspects. From the perspective of substantive law, “opt-in” and “opt-out” mechanism should be applied in different situations to improve the balance of various interests in informed consent. By referring to the protection mechanism of the right to know (RK) and inspection rights, this paper provides ideas for changing the lag of privacy protection. Joint and several liability and punitive damages can be used to improve the legal compliance of relevant subjects. From the perspective of procedural law, the public interest litigation should be introduced into patients' privacy protection, and relevant institutions should be urged to actively perform their duties to promote the comprehensive protection of patients' privacy.

Key Words: Big data; Patient privacy; Personal information


中文摘要 Ⅰ

英文摘要 Ⅱ

引言 1

一、 医疗大数据的现实背景与基本概念界定 2

(一) 医疗大数据的发展与潜能 2

(二) 相关概念的界定 3

1. 患者医疗信息 3

2. 隐私权还是个人信息权:概念鉴别的困境 4

二、 大数据时代对患者隐私权的新挑战 8

(一) 大数据时代患者隐私的特征 8

(二) 我国患者隐私权的保护现状与问题 9

1.知情同意:利益冲突的困境 10

2.消极的隐私保护 11

3.难以抚平的精神损害 12

4.患者有限的诉讼能量 12

三、 境外对患者隐私权保护的探索 13

(一) 欧洲的保护路径 13

(二) 美国HIPAA与HITECH对患者隐私的保护 14

四、 我国完善患者隐私权保护的法律路径 16

(一)实体法律保护 16

1. 患者授权同意的实现路径 16

2. 丰富患者知情权、查阅权 18

3. 增强主体遵从性:惩罚性赔偿与连带责任 19

(二)程序法律保护 20

结语 22

参考文献 23

致谢 27


大数据(Big Data)是指依靠物联网、云计算等数据收集、传输和处理手段的一种新型数据挖掘和应用模式,[1]具有强大的数据存储、比较和分析能力。大数据时代的浪潮席卷着社会各个领域,带来人类社会生活各领域的变革,其在医疗领域的应用价值更是甚为可观。大数据技术在医疗领域的应用价值体现于,在海量的分散性健康信息中,利用智能化的平台和超级计算工具识别、解析、挖掘、对比有价值的医疗数据,客观精准地分析发掘数据联系,促进社会医疗信息化进步。


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