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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 法学类 > 法学 > 正文


 2021-12-22 22:10:05  


摘 要


关键词:行政协议 扣押财产 行政诉讼 委托保管

Study on the agreement of entrusting custody of seized property


Administrative Agreement refers to an agreement reached by consensus between the executive branch and the administrative counterpart for the purpose of maintaining and promoting the public interest and achieving the objectives of administrative management. In the administrative agreement, the administrative subject not as a civil legal person but as an administrative subject makes an agreement with the administrative counterpart on Civil Rights and obligations, the purpose of protecting and promoting the public interest is achieved by means of contract. Different from civil contract, the administrative subject enjoys the administrative priority right, which leads to the importance of defining the nature of the agreement of entrusting custody of the seized property. The study of the agreement of entrusting custody of the seized property focuses not only on the "seized property" in the administrative law, but also on its nature, and on the administrative agreement, This is of great significance to clarify the rights and obligations of both sides of the agreement and improve the procedure of concluding the agreement, which is helpful to perfect and clarify the definition and scope of the administrative agreement in theory, and to provide a clear way for the dispute settlement.

Key words: Administrative Agreement ;Seizure of property ;Administrative litigation ; Entrustment





一、扣押财产委托保管协议概述 2

(一)扣押财产的法律性质 2

(二)扣押财产规范概述 3

1、扣押财产的实体性规范 3

2、扣押财产的程序性规范 3

4、扣押财产的其他规范 4

(三)扣押财产的委托保管协议现状 4

二、扣押财产的委托保管协议实体性规范研究 5

(一)扣押财产的委托保管的必要性 5

(二)扣押财产的委托保管的合法性与合理性 6

1、扣押财产的委托保管的合法性 6

2、扣押财产的委托保管的合理性 7

(三)扣押财产的委托保管协议的性质 7

1、行政协议立法与实践的发展 7

2、行政协议与民事协议之对比 9

3、扣押财产的委托保管协议的性质 10

(四)扣押财产的委托保管协议中的权利义务配置 11

1、扣押财产的委托保管协议中的法律关系 11

2、扣押财产的委托保管协议中的权利与义务 12

三、扣押财产的委托保管协议程序性规范研究 14

(一)扣押财产的委托保管协议的运行原则 14

1、扣押财产的委托保管协议的缔结原则 14

2、扣押财产的委托保管协议的履行原则 14

(二)扣押财产的委托保管协议的缔结程序 15

1、扣押财产的委托保管协议的缔结方式 15

2、扣押财产的委托保管协议的缔结条件 16

(三)扣押财产的委托保管协议的变更与解除 17

四、扣押财产的委托保管协议中的争议与解决 18

(一)关于行政协议的理论分歧与实践争议 18

1、关于行政协议性质认定的分歧 18

2、行政协议与民事协议划分标准的分歧 19

3、行政协议与行政行为区分的分歧 19

4、行政协议法律适用的分歧 20

5、行政协议实施中产生的的实践争议 20

(二)产生纠纷后的救济途径 20

五、法律缺陷与完善 25

(一)由协议问题引出的法律漏洞 25

(二)建议与完善 26




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