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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 法学类 > 法学 > 正文


 2021-10-26 21:54:26  

摘 要






In line with the trend of The Times, the wave of e-commerce has swept the world, and online shopping has also entered every family's daily life,but while it is booming, many unscrupulous merchants are also using online platforms to sell a lot of fake goods. Therefore, third-party e-commerce platform operators take the initiative to take care of themselves based on the platform service agreement or cooperation agreement signed with users and become one of the main bodies of anti-counterfeiting. However, merchants do not recognize the dominant position of the platform, or refuse to fulfill the contract, or take the platform to the court, creating many difficulties for the platform to fight against fake products independently.

Therefore, this paper will define the concept of anti-counterfeiting regulations on e-commerce platforms, analyze the causes of the emergence of anti-counterfeiting regulations, and explain the current situation of anti-counterfeiting regulations on e-commerce platforms, as well as the effectiveness disputes between the theoretical circle and judicial practice. At the same time, on this basis, put forward legal countermeasures, and strive to promote the platform to improve the anti-counterfeit provisions in accordance with the law, and form a situation of social joint efforts to fight against counterfeit.

The conclusion of the study is that the anti-counterfeiting rules formulated by e-commerce platforms on the premise of complying with the legal provisions are effective, and the joint efforts made by e-commerce platforms and various parties in the society to combat counterfeiting are conducive to protecting the legitimate interests of consumers, building credible online shopping platforms and maintaining the fair competition order of the market.

Key Words:e-commerce platform;service agreement;standard terms;anti-counterfeiting provisions; enforcement recognition

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract Ⅱ

第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景及意义 1

1.1.1研究的背景 1

1.1.2 研究的意义 2

1.2研究的思路及方法 3

1.2.1研究的思路 3

1.2.2研究的方法 3

1.3 现有的研究及评述 3

1.3.1国内研究现状及评述 3

1.3.2国外研究现状及评述 5

第2章 电商平台打假规定概述 7

2.1概念界定 7

2.1.1 电子商务平台经营者 7

2.1.2平台内经营者 7

2.1.3 打假规定 7

2.2电商平台制定打假规定的成因 8

2.2.1政府单独打假效率低下 8

2.2.2法律规定对平台打假的认可 8

2.3 电商平台打假规定实例 9

2.3.1 淘宝网打假规定 9

2.3.2 拼多多网站打假规定 10

第3章 电商平台打假规定的现实利用及效力之争 12

3.1电商平台打假现状及困境 12

3.1.1 电商平台打假现状 12

3.1.2 电商平台打假困境 13

3.2电商平台打假规定的效力之争 14

3.2.1电商平台打假规定属于格式提款 14

3.2.2电商平台打假规定中违约金的数额范围 14

3.2.3电商平台打假规定具有繁复性与专业性 15

3.3有效的电商平台打假规定可以发挥积极作用 15

第4章 规范平台打假机制的法律对策 17

4.1有法必依,完善规则 17

4.1.1《电子商务法》提供的依据 17

4.1.2《合同法》提供的依据 17

4.2社会合力,保障施行 17

4.2.1国家立法层面的保障 17

4.2.2政府执法层面的保障 18

第5章 结 论 19

参考文献 20

致 谢 21

第1章 绪论





艾瑞网曾做过此类市场调查。针对网络购物中遇到假冒伪劣商品的情形,他们调查了38026名消费者,大部分消费者都遇到过网络平台售假的现象。其中,“商品质量差,为仿制品”这一项,在网上购物的不满意情形之中占比接近半数,比率达到了49.3% ,可见网购中假货存在的规模与数量之大。而在另一项电商平台售卖假货现象的调查中,有53% 的消费者认为“假货变多了,骗子越来越多” [1]。以上种种,都反映出销售假冒伪劣商品的商家在利用电子商务平台购物的虚拟性、空间阻隔性等无法避免的特殊属性来获取违法的利润。电商平台商家售假不再是个别现象,而是已经成为普遍性的,为消费者所公认的关乎切身利益的社会层面的问题。这需要社会各界的多方形成合力共同解决。

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