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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 法学类 > 法学 > 正文


 2021-10-24 16:28:30  

摘 要




The combination of intelligent technology and administrative law enforcement can be said to a certain extent that human beings are entering the intelligent era of administrative law enforcement. This article believes that intelligent administrative law enforcement should be recognized as a new method of administrative law enforcement, and the selection system, notification system and the nature of responsibility of intelligent administrative law enforcement should be established. To protect the rights of administrative counterparts. On the other hand, In an intelligent society, strong artificial intelligence has become a new subject, posing challenges to the original adjustment system. This article believes that the means of administrative law enforcement should be enriched to enable strong artificial intelligence to better integrate into society. Based on the particularity of strong artificial intelligence, this article believes that it cannot directly become a legal subject, but should be given the qualification of its administrative subject by means of administrative licensing. In addition, strong artificial intelligence should also independently bear the responsibility for violations of the law. This article believes that new types of administrative penalties should be created and regulated.

Key Words: Intelligence society; Artificial intelligence; Administrative Enforcement

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究的背景和目的 1

1.2研究的意义 1

1.3国内外研究现状 1

1.4研究方法 3

1.4.1规范分析法 3

1.4.2案例分析法 3

1.5研究目标 3

第2章 智能社会与行政执法的界说 4

2.1智能社会的界说 4

2.2行政执法的界定 5

2.2.1行政执法的概念 5

2.2.2行政执法的主体与实施者 5

2.2.3行政执法的相对人 6

2.2.4行政执法的手段 6

2.2.5行政执法的程序 6

第3章 智能社会带来的影响 8

3.1智能化行政执法活动的定性难题 8

3.2人工智能法律地位的争议 8

3.3对人工智能管理手段不明 9

3.4智能化行政执法对行政执法程序制度的冲击 10

3.5智能化行政执法的责任问题 10

第4章 行政执法的应对之策 11

4.1肯定智能化行政执法的方式 11

4.1.1智能化行政执法是行政执法的新方式 11

4.1.2智能化行政执法是公民的选择 11

4.2肯定人工智能的行政相对人的法律地位 12

4.3丰富行政执法的手段 12

4.3.1确立人工智能主体资格的许可制 12

4.3.2创设人工智能的责任形式与种类 13

4.4完善智能化行政执法程序 14

4.4.1建立程序选择制度 14

4.4.2完善公开制度 15

4.5明确智能化行政执法责任的承担 16

第5章 结语 17

致谢 18

参考文献 18

第1章 绪论







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