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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 法学类 > 法学 > 正文


 2021-06-25 01:25:03  

摘 要


关键词:劳务派遣 雇主替代责任 连带责任 共同雇主责任说


With the today's demand for labor increases, labor dispatch has become an important new form of employment, the employment relationship is formed between double its tripartite body, the impact of the traditional form of employment-based system of labor law, including with respect to the dispatch areas vicarious theoretical problems identified with the division of responsibilities in the academic community has set off a wide-ranging debate. After 2009, China's "Tort Liability Act" enacted, wherein for dispatch vicarious liability to give the final OK to legislation, to some extent subsided before scholars for employers and the accepting entity employer vicarious liability allocation contention Theory. However, China in 2007 through the "Labor Contract Law" stipulates that the dispatch is based on a heavy responsibility for labor relations, said co-owner for the foundation from the development of the legal basis of its labor relations identified with "Tort Liability Act," Article 34, paragraph 2 paragraph with respect to the employer and the employer vicarious liability of unit labor distribution system there are contradictions and difficulties on the applicable de jure. This article will fully analyze the current China's "Tort Liability Act" concerning the dispatch of article 34, paragraph 2, of the vicarious liability of Distribution System theoretical controversy, combined with the "Labor Contract Law" dispatch a heavy labor relations common employer liability, said Doctrinal foundation of dispatch employer external implementation of joint and several liability without fault, the internal implementation of the agreed priorities, without the agreement of the new statutory responsibility form.

Key Words:Dispatch ;Vicarious liability;Joint responsibility;Joint employer liability doctrine

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究目的及意义 1

1.3国内外研究现状 1

1.4研究内容及目标 2

第2章 劳务派遣中雇主替代责任的法理基础 3

2.1一重劳动关系共同雇主责任说 3

2.2利益与风险一致说 4

2.3手臂延长说 4

2.4控制力说 5

第3章 国外劳务派遣雇主替代责任的相关立法与实践 6

3.1美国判例法下的三种归责标准 6

3.2英国侧重具体个案 6

3.3法国的“利益——风险平衡”标准 7

第4章 完善我国劳务派遣中雇主替代责任制度 9

4.1现行立法中劳务派遣雇主责任制存在的问题 9

4.1.1《侵权责任法》第34条第2款中的逻辑矛盾 9

4.1.2用人单位与用工单位的归责原则不明确 10

4.2劳务派遣雇主承担连带责任的可行性论证 10

4.2.1外部层面 11

4.2.2内部层面 14

第5章 结论 16

参考文献 17

致谢 19

第1章 绪论


对于劳务派遣,学界主流观点认为其最先起源于20世纪20年代的美国人Samuel Workman创办一种名为租赁支援(rented help)的业务模式,后来在西欧、日本及我国台湾地区都得到了广泛普及。[1]在之后的20世纪90年代,伴随我国社会主义市场经济体制的确立、劳动力需求的增加与灵活性的增强,劳务派遣也逐渐在我国境内获得了更为充分的实现。作为当前我国劳动力市场中的新型用工形式,其对于劳动力“雇佣”与“使用”相分离的根本特征很大程度上满足了劳动力市场的用工弹性化需求。派遣单位即用人单位运用其较为广泛的劳动力市场信息渠道,通过将信息资源匮乏且分散的劳动者进行统一集中派遣,极大程度上缓解了当前劳动力市场中信息不对称所带来的消极影响。因此深受我国劳动力市场的青睐。我国2007年通过的《劳动合同法》第一次以立法形式对劳务派遣的法律地位进行了明确界定,并于之后2012年新修订的《劳动合同法》与2009年出台的《侵权责任法》中对劳务派遣的有关内容进行了更为集中修改与完善,法律框架日益完整。但是劳务派遣的三方主体之间形成的双重雇佣关系区别于传统的劳动关系,使得在带给原本劳动法律制度冲击同时也引起了劳务派遣劳动关系认定问题的争论与雇主替代责任分配制度的研判。


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