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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 法学类 > 法学 > 正文


 2021-06-24 22:13:01  

摘 要

替他人代为储藏商品、保管货物的仓储服务,作为现代物流中一项较为基础的服务,被广泛地运用于第三方物流当中,是现代物流模式进行开拓创新的重点领域。随着经济发展和高新技术的应用,第三方物流仓储正逐渐成为商品货物周转流通和现代化大生产的实现的重要环节。根据我国法律规定,作为提供仓储服务中介单位的第三方物流经营者,在仓储业务经营中负有较大的法律责任和法律风险。第三方仓储服务提供者怎样在现实的业务运营和争端中,准确而合理地判定其应承担的法律责任,是其规避法律风险和减少经济损失的基础。本文分别从以下几部分对第三方物流仓储的法律问题进行学习和研究:第一部分,着眼于物流的发展历史,研究第三方物流仓储的概念内涵。 第二部分,讨论研究第三方物流仓储法律关系框架,以及仓储合同和其中特殊的法律文书——仓单。第三部分,说明第三方物流经营者提供仓储服务时所需要面临的法律风险和承担的法律责任。最后,提出通过增强风险防范意识、提高仓储服务标准化水平和建立责任保险制度等措施,来减少相关法律责任和规避相关法律风险。



As a more basic service of the logistics services, warehousing and logistics services are more frequently used in third-party logistics service. The third party logistics Warehouse is a key area of modern logistics industry model’s innovation, which took the business of keep and storage of goods. With economic development and application of high-technology, the third party logistics warehousing has gradually become an indispensable component in the commodity circulation and the realization of modern batch-production. The third-party logistics enterprise as an intermediary unit, to provides warehousing services to the respective business entities, for which it has significant legal liability under the state laws, which brings a number of legal liability risk for its warehousing operations. And in the actual business operations and in case of disputes, how to accurately and reasonably define the legal responsibility of a third-party warehouse is the basis for the prevention of legal risks and the loss of economic. This article from the following aspects study and research on the legal issues of the third party warehousing: The first part, focusing on the development history of logistics, research on the basic connotation concept of the third party logistics warehouse. In the second part, study and discuss the legal relationship framework of the third party warehousing, as well as the warehousing contract and the special legal instruments in warehousing contract, which is known as warehouse receipt. The third part, show the related legal liability needed to bear and the legal risk to face when the third party logistics operators providing warehouse services. Finally, to reduce the related legal liabilities and avoid the related legal risks, the enhancement of risk preparedness, the improvement of warehousing services’ standardization level, and the establishment of the liability insurance system are proposed.

Key words: logistics; the third-party logistics; warehousing; legal liability

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

绪 论 1

1 第三方物流仓储的概念 2

1.1 物流 2

1.2 第三方物流 3

1.3 第三方物流仓储 5

2 第三方物流中仓储合同的法律性质分析 6

2.1 仓储合同 6

2.2 仓单的法律定位 7

3 第三方物流仓储中的法律关系研究 8

3.1 第三方物流仓储相关调整规范 8

3.2 第三方物流仓储的法律关系 9

4 第三方物流仓储法律责任的主要类型 10

4.1 第三方物流仓储的合同责任 10

4.2 第三方物流仓储的侵权责任 10

4.2.1 第三方物流仓储企业的产品质量责任 10

4.2.2 第三方物流仓储的侵犯商标权责任 11

5 第三方物流仓储经营者规避法律责任的措施 12

5.1 增强第三方物流仓储企业风险防范意识 12

5.2 提高第三方物流仓储服务标准化水平 12

5.3 建立第三方物流合同的责任保险制度 12

结 论 14

参考文献 15

致 谢 16

绪 论




1 第三方物流仓储的概念

1.1 物流

二十世纪初叶的美国是物流概念的最早发祥地。二十世纪初叶至五十年代中叶,是物流概念萌生的阶段。这一时期主要有两种典型的物流观念:一是美国少校琼西·贝克(Chauncey B. Baker)于1905年在《军队和军需品运输》中从军事后勤的角度提出Logistics的观念,一是美国学者阿·萧奇(Arch W.Shaw)于1915年在《市场流通中的若干问题》中从市场营销的角度提出Physical Distribution的观念[[1]]。这两个物流观念的本质内容是不一样的。前者Logistics表示“后勤”的含义,主要是指物资的运输贮存、供给保证;后者Physical Distribution直译为“分销物流”或“实体分配”,其实就是指怎样将产品分配派送给客户的行为[[2]]。简而言之,“物流”的概念是从军事后勤和市场营销中孕育产生的。

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