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 2021-05-18 23:03:26  

摘 要

随着国际投资的深入发展,越来越多的国际投资以条约的形式建立在投资人与国家之间,产生于双方的纠纷也不可避免的增多。在产生争端的情况下,双方大多基于仲裁的公正性和保密性而采用仲裁作为解决方式。最新数据显示,2014年新增42起投资者与国家间争端解决机制的案件,使已知基于条约的诉讼总数由2012年的514件达到608起。[1]正是由于仲裁的秘密程序,导致仲裁的透明度收到质疑,不仅仅仲裁裁决对一国国内法律及司法体系的挑战,还在于争端结果的解决会对东道国的公共利益以及公民权利产生重大影响。为应对这一系列问题,学术界相继有学者提出增强仲裁透明度的必要性,例如以麦格罗等学者等人为主,认为在贸易投资争端解中应充分体现决透明度和公众参与,从而保证公众对此知情,有作用的参与其中。[2]此外,在实践中,也获得了仲裁庭的肯定,如在“Suez and others v Argentina”案件中,仲裁庭认识到,在涉及国家和公众利益的问题上,仲裁程序透明度的公开,更加有助于增强公众对仲裁合法性的信心。[3]纵观国际,《投资人与国家间基于条约仲裁的透明度规则》是联合国国际贸易法委员会(United Nations Commission on International Trade Law,简称UNCITRAL)在2014年通过的一项文件[4]。由此见得,透明度改革势在必行。本文从国际投资仲裁中透明度内涵说起,明确核心词汇概念,结合案例说明透明度改革的必要性。从《透明度公约》主要内容及关键条款出发,把《透明度规则》同NAFTA和ICSID机制下的透明度进行比较,找出不同之处。最后把经验运用到实践中,为我国签订的双边贸易投资有关透明度的条款作出些许启示。

关键词:国际投资仲裁 透明度规则 BIT

英 文 摘 要

With the further development of international investment, more and more international investment established in the form of treaties between investors and the country, arising from both sides of the dispute is inevitable.In the case of dispute, both sides are mostly based on impartiality and confidentiality and use of arbitration as a way to solve.The latest figures show that in 2014 the new 42 cases of dispute settlement mechanism between investors and the state, make known based on the total number of litigation treaty from 514 to 608 in 2012.It is the secret of the arbitration application, lead to the transparency of arbitration questionable, not just the arbitral award on the challenge of a country's domestic law and the judicial system, but also in the results of settlement to the host country of public interests and rights of citizens have a significant impact.In response to this a series of problems, academic circles some scholars put forward the necessity of enhancing transparency of arbitration, such as Magraw think the transparency and public participation should be throughout the course of the investment in trade dispute settlement to ensure the public knowledge, have a role involved.In addition, in practice, also won the support of the arbitration tribunal, such as in the "Suez and others v Argentina" case, the arbitration tribunal shows that the public's understanding of international arbitration rationality, especially on the problems involving the state and public interests, tend to publicity to improve the program runs.Throughout the international, the United Nations commission on international trade law passed in 2014, based on the treaty between the investors and the national the transparency of the arbitration rules.Thus, transparency reform is very necessary. In this paper, through the introduction of international investment arbitration transparency in connotation, combining case illustrates the necessity of reforming the transparency. From the main content and key terms of the transparency rules, with NAFTA and the transparency of ICSID mechanism under comparison, find out the differences. Finally apply the experience in practice, for our country to sign bilateral trade and investment to make some revelation to the stipulations about the transparency.

Key Words:International Investment Arbitration Transparency Rules BIT

目 录

引 言 1

第1章 国际投资仲裁透明度之概述 2

1.1 国际投资仲裁相关概念 2

1.1.1 以条约为基础之概念 2

1.1.2 投资者与国家 2

1.1.3 国际投资仲裁的概念及特点 3

1.2 国际投资仲裁透明度的内涵 4

1.2.1 透明度的由来 4

1.2.2 《透明度公约》的主要内容和重要条款 5

1.3 有关透明度经典案例分析 6

1.3.1 案情简介 6

1.3.2 法庭之友在透明度中所起的作用 7

1.3.3 法庭之友的合理性 7

第2章 《透明度规则》与其他国际主要仲裁机构有关透明度规则的辨析 8

2.1 《透明度规则》与《ICSID仲裁规则》之比较 9

2.1.1 仲裁启动程序的公告 9

2.1.2 庭审的公开程度和法庭之友 9

2.1.3 仲裁文件的公开 10

2.2 《透明度规则》与NAFTA体制之比较 10

2.2.1 仲裁文件的公布 11

2.2.2 仲裁审理的公开 11

第3章 《透明度规则》对我国双边投资仲裁争端解决机制的启示 11

3.1 中国参与国际投资仲裁的情况 11

3.2 《透明度规则》发展对我国国际投资仲裁机制的启示 12

3.2.1 中国的态度及立场 12

3.2.2 《透明度规则》对我国的启示 13

结语 14

参 考 文 献 14

致 谢 16

引 言


由此可以见得,基于条约的仲裁解决机制更加收到青睐,其中原因更是不胜枚举。例如,仲裁过程中只涉及争端双方,对于投资者的商业机密予以很好的保护,从而维护良好的商业信誉。但随着仲裁案件的增多,跨国公司的腐败问题暴露出来,作为吸引仲裁因素之一的保密性,受到了前所未有的挑战,许多学者和仲裁机构认识到了仲裁透明度的必要性。譬如此前对透明度持消极态度的Buys C.G认为应不顾当事人反对强制公开仲裁裁决。[6]其实在过去的几十年里,对于仲裁透明度的问题已有所认识。其中,1994年北美自由贸易协定(简称NAFTA)在其文本条约中进行了一定限制,并作出解释性声明来提高仲裁程序的透明度。此外,作为国际投资实力雄厚的美国和加拿大也在各自的双边投资协定(简称BIT)中作出有益透明度体现的规定。在国际仲裁机构层面,解决国际投资争端中心(简称ICSID)在2006年修订仲裁规则时强调了这一点。2014年,联合国国际贸易法委员会公布了《透明度公约》(又称毛里求斯透明度公约)更是再一次将国际投资仲裁透明度问题置于前所未有的高度。

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