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 2021-04-13 20:44:26  

摘 要


陪审制度是陪审制度是司法民主的直接体现,也是司法公正的重要保障。从其功能来说,陪审制度是以非法律职业人的参与来冲淡专业法官在职业思维上可能存在的偏见,为实现司法的民主和公正提供了一条更为便利和可靠的途径。同时,其在司法独立方面也发挥着不可忽视的重要作用。我国对于人民陪审制度的设计虽已有数十年,但未取得理想的实效。2004年通过的《全国人民代表大会常务委员会关于完善人民陪审员制度的决定》 ,标志着人民陪审制度开始了新的里程,是我国司法改革的重大成果。 2018年《中华人民共和国人们陪审员法》的颁布,更是我国在陪审制度上的崭新一步。陪审制度作为国内外司法改革方面的热点问题,其未来究竟何去何从,是存还是废,是陪审制还是参审制,陪审制度究竟如何操作。关键在于对于陪审制度的价值分析,只有将陪审制度置于法制现代化和司法现代化的具体国情之中,揭示其在当今实现司法民主,司法公正等方面存在的价值,才能够体现陪审制度在司法中的地位,衡量其在我国推行和完善的重要性和必要性。











    The jury system is the direct embodiment of judicial democracy and it is also an important guarantee for judicial justice. Judging from its function, the jury system dilutes the prejudice that professional judges may have in terms of professional thinking with the participation of non-legal professionals, and provides a more convenient and reliable way to achieve judicial democracy and justice. At the same time, it also plays an important role in the independence of the judiciary. Although China’s design of the people’s jury system has been in place for decades, it has not achieved ideal results. The "Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on Improving the People's Assessors System" passed in 2004 marked the beginning of a new milestone in the people's jury system and was a major result of China's judicial reform. The promulgation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Jurymen of 2018 is a new step in China's jury system. The jury system is a hot issue in the domestic and foreign judicial reforms. The future of the jury system depends on whether or not the jury system is a jury system or a jury system and how the jury system operates. The key lies in the value analysis of the jury system. Only by placing the jury system in the specific national conditions of the modernization of the legal system and the modernization of the judiciary, and revealing the values ​​existing in realizing judicial democracy and judicial justice, can we embody the jury system in the judiciary. Its status is a measure of the importance and necessity of its implementation and improvement in our country.

This article is divided into six chapters, with the exception of the first chapter's introduction and the sixth chapter's conclusion.

The second chapter mainly elaborates the historical evolution of the jury system, and describes the decline of the jury system from its generation and development to certain regions. It incorporates a large number of studies on the values included in the jury system and the value orientation of different countries in different periods. The jury system's survival depends on the value needs of the country and the people.

The third chapter mainly expounds the value analysis of jury system, including democratic value, free value, justice value and rational value. It explains the importance of jury system to today's society.

The fourth chapter mainly expounds the drawbacks of the jury system, not only the jury system, but also the participation in the trial system. The drawbacks of the people's jury system in China and its causes have led to the reconstruction of the value of the fifth chapter jury system in China.

Keywords: jury system, judicial justice, democracy, value, people's jury system.

目 录

  1. 绪论................................................................. 1
  2. 陪审制度的历史发展与价值取向......................................... 2

2.1 英美法系与大陆法系陪审制度的发展历程与价值取向分析.................... 2

2.1.1 雅典陪审法院的产生与民主价值.................................... 2

2.1.2 英国陪审制度的定型、衰落与价值取向的变化.........................2

2.1.3美国陪审制度的稳固和价值重视..................................... 3

2.1.4大陆法系国家由陪审制向参审制的转化............................... 3

2.2 中国人民陪审制度的发展历程............................................ 4

2.2.1清末至民国时期的被动改革......................................... 4

2.2.2抗战至新中国初期的主动建立....................................... 4

2.2.3动乱后的重启、淡化和完善......................................... 5

  1. 陪审制度的价值分析................................................... 7

3.1 民主价值.............................................................. 7

3.2 自由价值.............................................................. 8

3.3 正义价值.............................................................. 9

3.4 理性价值............................................................. 10

3.5 效率价值............................................................. 10

  1. 陪审制度的弊端...................................................... 12

4.1 陪审团制的弊端....................................................... 12

4.2 参审制的弊端---以我国为例............................................ 13

  1. 中国陪审制度的完善---以价值分析为标准..... ......................... 14结语....................................................................... 18

参考文献................................................................... 18

致谢....................................................................... 19

第1章 绪论

陪审制度历史悠久,其基本概念是指国家司法机关通过法定的程序,吸收非职业司法人员的普通公民 参与案件审判的诉讼制度。旨在以非法律职业人的参与来冲淡专业法官在职业思维上的偏见,为实现司法的民主公正提供一条更加直接可靠的途径。如今的陪审制度一般分为两种,即主要适用于英美法系的陪审团制和主要适用于大陆法系的参审制。两者的主要区别在于,陪审团制度中的陪审员主要负责案件事实的认定,而法律适用的问题则由法官来解决;参审制度中的陪审员则和法官一同组成法庭,在庭审中既参与认定案件事实又参与适用法律。我国所实行的人民陪审制度虽然有别于以上两种制度,但从陪审员的地位和作用上来说更加靠近于大陆法系的参审制。一直以来关于我国实行人民陪审制度都存在着各种争议,有人支持,也有人认为它并不适应于我国的国情。但就目前而言,我国对于人民陪审制度还是采取了支持的态度。


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