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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 法学类 > 法学 > 正文


 2021-04-05 00:07:16  

摘 要










The abuse of patent rights has occurred in China at present, and the patentee sends infringement warnings to the relatives. The condemnation act infringes on its own patent rights and threatens to be prosecuted, but it does not take litigation or arbitration for a long time. The statutory dispute resolution method not only affects the normal production and operation activities of the relatives, but also seriously undermines the good order of commercial competition. The infringement warning itself is a double-edged sword. It can become a weapon for the patentee to declare rights and curb patent infringement, or it may become a means for the patentee to abuse his rights, damage the competitor's business reputation, and conduct unfair competition.

In the field of China's confirmation of non-infringement of intellectual property litigation, the recognition of non-infringement of patent litigation is the largest number of cases, the earliest type of litigation, and once played a good role in supervising the right holders to exercise their rights according to law, but such litigation development As the ascendant is still there, there are still many theoretical and practical issues that need to be clarified. The most prominent issue is the issue of the distribution of burden of proof. Moreover, such litigation has no systematic system in China's existing legislation, and its provisions on the distribution of burden of proof only remain in scattered approval and judicial interpretation.

This paper conducts empirical analysis on the judgments of the Chinese refereeing documents, which does not infringe the patent litigation cases, and discusses the existing theories, legislation and judicial practice, in order to improve China's confirmation of non-infringement of patent litigation system. This article mainly discusses the following four parts:

The first chapter "Introduction" introduces the research background and research significance of confirming non-infringement of patent litigation. The research status is analyzed from the research of quantitative trend and content, and the research method used in this paper is explained.

The second chapter "confirmation of the theoretical analysis of issues related to non-infringement of patent litigation" discusses the definition and nature of non-infringement of patent litigation, the distribution of burden of proof, the obligation to resolve the case, and examines the current legislation and the Supreme People's Court of China. The approval and the relevant provisions in the judicial interpretation for the burden of proof and the confirmation of non-infringement of patent litigation.

The third chapter is "based on the empirical analysis of the judgment documents". By analyzing the online judgments of the Chinese judgment documents, the documents that confirm the non-infringement of patent litigation cases, from the fact that the defendant issued the infringement warning but delayed the lawsuit, and the existence of the patent infringement fact "The affiliation and content of patent rights" and other three main facts to be analyzed analyze the practical operation and theoretical controversy of the burden of proof in such litigation, and put forward their own views.

The fourth chapter "China confirms the perfection and prospect of not infringing the patent litigation system", combined with the research contents of the first, second and third chapters, tries to propose improvements to the institutional system construction of such litigation.

Keywords: Patent rights; Suit of affirmation of non-infringement;Burden of proof;Obligation to resolve the case

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 问题的提出 1

1.1.1 确认不侵害专利权诉讼的由来 1

1.1.2 开展实证研究的意义 2

1.2 以举证责任为视角的考量因素 2

1.3 本文研究方法 2

1.3.1 实证研究法 3

1.3.2 文献研究法 3

1.3.3 案例研究法 3

第2章 确认不侵害专利权诉讼相关问题的理论分析 4

2.1 确认不侵害专利权诉讼的定义和性质 4

2.1.1 确认不侵害专利权诉讼的定义 4

2.1.2 确认不侵害专利权诉讼的性质 4

2.2 待证事实的确定 4

2.3 确认不侵害专利权诉讼的举证责任分配 6

2.3.1 举证责任的一般理论 6

2.3.2 确认不侵害专利权诉讼中的举证责任 7

2.4 当事人事案解明义务 7

2.4.1 当事人事案解明义务之机能 7

2.4.2 当事人事案解明义务的内容 8

2.4.3 我国构建事案解明义务之必要性探讨 8

第3章 国内立法现状的考察 10

3.1 举证责任的相关立法 10

3.1.1 《民事诉讼法》第64条 10

3.1.2 《关于民事诉讼法证据的若干规定》第2条、第7条 10

3.1.3 《民事诉讼法解释》第90条、第91条 10

3.1.4 《关于民事诉讼证据的若干规定》第4条 11

3.2 确认不侵害专利权诉讼的相关立法 11

3.2.1 《中华人民共和国专利法》第69条 11

3.2.2 最高人民法院法释[2009]21号司法解释 11

3.2.3 最高人民法院做出的法[2011]42号通知 12

3.2.4 最高人民法院[2001]民三他字第4号批复 12

3.2.5 最高人民法院[2004]民三他字第4号通知 12

第4章 基于裁判文书的实证分析 13

4.1 裁判文书样本说明 13

4.2 司法实务中的举证责任分配情况 15

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