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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 法学类 > 法学 > 正文


 2021-02-28 21:29:54  

摘 要


本文以保障刑事司法赔偿中精神损害赔偿案件中被害人的精神权益为中心,在分析我国国家赔偿中的精神损害赔偿制度不足的基础上,借鉴国外在此领域的相关原则,指出完善我国国家赔偿中的精神损害赔偿制度的立法模式、法律原则,并提出针对性的建议,以期完善我国国家赔偿中的精神损害赔偿制度,切实保障公民在国家侵权中精神权益受损的 救济途径。



The system of compensation for mental damage in state compensation plays an important role in safeguarding the spiritual rights and interests of citizens and preventing the miscarriage of justice. The State Compensation Law of the People's Republic of China, which was revised in 2010, for the first time established a system of compensation for mental damage in the state compensation case in the legislative level, which is regarded as an important breakthrough and perfection in the national compensation system. As one of the important signs of the progress of law-governing civilization in our country, the establishment of national spiritual damages system not only embodies the importance and protection of the state's rights and interests of citizens, but also highlights the further expansion and perfection of state responsibility. However, due to the rule in the "State Compensation Law" being too principle and rough, law enforcement, judicial practice are in the face of many complex problems lack of processing basis, and these problems need to be resolved, which directly affects the achievement of the value of the spirit of the system of compensation. Therefore, it is of great theoretical and practical significance to strengthen the research on the difficult problem of the system of compensation for mental damage in state compensation cases and explore the ways and ways to solve the problems.

Based on the analysis of the lack of mental damages system in China's state compensation, this paper draws lessons from the relevant principles of foreign countries in this field, and points out that perfecting the state compensation in our country is based on the moral rights and interests of the victims in the compensation for mental damages in criminal justice compensation. This paper point out the legislative model and the legal principles to perfect the system of mental damage compensation in the state compensation, and put forward targeted recommendations in order to improve spirit compensation system in the China's state compensation, and effectively protect the citizens in the national infringement of the rights and interests of the relief of the way.

Keywords: Mental damage; unjust sentence; principle of compensation; extent of compensation

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪 论 1

第2章 国家赔偿中精神损害赔偿制度概述 2

2.1 国家赔偿中精神损害赔偿的概念 2

2.2 国家赔偿中精神损害赔偿的构成要件 2

2.2.1 存在精神损害事实 2

2.2.2 精神损害必须由国家侵权行为造成 2

2.2.3 国家侵权行为造成精神损害后果 2

2.2.4 侵权行为与损害结果之间必须有因果关系 3

第3章 刑事司法赔偿中精神损害赔偿制度存在的缺陷 4

3.1 刑事司法赔偿中精神损害赔偿制度存在的问题 4

3.1.1 评价标准不明确 4

3.1.2 精神损害抚慰金缺乏明确的计算方法 5

3.2 问题产生的原因 5

3.2.1 制度原因 5

3.2.2 国家赔偿中精神损害赔偿制度的实证分析 6

第4章 完善刑事司法赔偿中精神损害赔偿制度的建议 10

4.1 国家赔偿中精神损害赔偿制度的立法模式 10

4.1.1 国家赔偿法直接规定 10

4.1.2 参照民法的相关规定 10

4.1.3 我国国家赔偿中的精神损害应采用的立法模式 10

4.2 国家赔偿中精神损害赔偿的原则 11

4.2.1 国外国家赔偿中精神损害赔偿的原则概览 11

4.2.2 结合国情确定我国国家侵权精神损害赔偿原则 13

4.3 明确国家赔偿案件中精神损害抚慰金的支付标准 14

4.3.1 侵犯公民除人身自由权和生命权之外的其他人格权的赔偿标准 15

4.3.2 侵犯公民生命权的采取死亡赔偿金比例法 17

4.3.3 侵犯公民人身自由权的赔偿标准 18

结 语 21

参 考 文 献 22

致谢 24

第1章 绪 论



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