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 2021-02-27 14:20:57  

摘 要




The Tibetan culture is extensive and profound, and the sails are numerous. From the material level to the spiritual level, all of them embody rich cultural connotations. Tibetan system culture is an important component of Tibetan traditional culture. It is an important content of Tibetan culture. It can make people understand and understand Tibetan culture and its social life more comprehensively and systematically. This thesis aims to Tibetan marriage relationship as the research perspective, comprehensive and systematic research on Tibetan marriage relationship, marriage and family structure to the Tibetan society, causes analysis of deep historical reasons and social factors of the system and the Tibet autonomous region of Tibetan Customary Law of marriage, the reality of the conflict the Tibet autonomous region of Tibetan Customary Law of marriage and the current marriage law of our country, and finally puts forward the adjustment suggestion. This paper is divided into three parts: the first part introduces the research background and significance; the second part through the analysis of the Tibetan traditional marriage system, concludes that monogamy, polygyny, polyandry and other forms of marriage and marriage and termination; interpretation of the third part around the Tibet autonomous region Tibetan Marriage customary law the change and change; finally, the Tibetan traditional marriage relationship through the foregoing analysis, and put forward relevant adjustment..

Key Words:Tibetan nationality; marriage; husband and wife relationship; adjustment; analysis


第一章前言 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究意义 1

1.3研究现状 1

第二章藏族婚姻中的夫妻关系 2

2.1藏族传统夫妻关系制度 2

2.1.1一夫一妻制 2

2.1.2一夫多妻制 2

2.1.3一妻多夫制 3

2.2夫妻关系的缔结与解除 4

2.2.1求偶方式 4

2.2.2婚姻的缔结方式 5

2.2.3离婚与再婚 6

第三章西藏自治区藏族婚姻习惯法在的原因 7

3.1历史因素 7

3.2宗教影响 7

3.3经济文化 8

3.4 法律方面 8

第四章藏族传统婚姻夫妻关系的变迁与变化 10

4.1 藏族传统的婚姻夫妻价值观念 10

4.2 藏族传统婚姻夫妻关系的变化 10

4.2.1“人人平等”的观念取代了等级观念和门第观念 10

4.2.2现代法律意识强化了“择偶自由”、“婚姻自主”的传统观念 10

4.3 藏族婚姻家庭习惯法与国家婚姻法的调适 11

第五章 总结 12

参考文献 13

致谢 14

第一章 前言


藏民族的形成历史由来已久。所以我们对藏区的婚姻上依然存在有很多的地方我们去研究和完善。从古至今,因为藏族这种少数民族固有的历史文化影响以及在宗教方面对思想的渗透,导致藏区这种有 重视宗教文化方面的特点“在一定历史上使得藏族历史文献中鲜有触及到是对藏区的少数贵族阶层中队婚姻的的不同的看法,例如:有《西藏王臣记》,《西藏王统记》,《贤者喜宴》等诸多的历史资料显示,各个以不同的程度地反映出了“一妻多夫”等现象,而恰恰是这种宗教方面的思想。但是,在上述的提到的那些历史的文献资料中,也很难看到他们对藏区的那些生活在社会最底层的那些人的记述,甚至压根儿就没有提到。随着西藏国家的发展,这一制度的文化发展,制度化,合理化,社会化,规范化,该系统可以在表单中继承,因此在这课题的研究意义非常重要。


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