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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 法学类 > 法学 > 正文


 2021-02-27 14:15:26  

摘 要

Abstract II

绪 论 1

1 无权处分及无权处分合同的界定 2

1.1 无权处分的内涵界定 2

1.1.1 物权形式主义下无权处分内涵 2

1.1.2 债权意思主义下无权处分内涵 2

1.1.3 债权形式主义下无权处分内涵 2

1.1.4 我国关于无权处分的内涵及认定条件 3

1.2 无权处分合同的内涵界定 3

2 无权处分合同的法律效力 5

2.1 不同物权行为模式下无权处分合同的效力问题 5

2.1.1 债权意思主义模式下以法国为例 5

2.1.2 物权形式主义模式下以德国为例 5

2.1.3 债权形式主义模式下以奥地利为例 6

2.1.4 国际性法律文件中关于无权处分合同效力问题的规定 6

2.2 我国无权处分合同效力问题研究 6

2.2.1 无权处分效力问题的法律规定 6

2.2.2 《合同法》第51条之规定 7

2.2.3 《买卖合同司法解释》之规定 7

2.3 学界关于无权处分合同效力问题的各种学说 8

2.3.1 无效说 8

2.3.2 效力待定说 8

2.3.3 有效说 9

3 笔者关于无权处分合同效力问题的看法 10

3.1 对无效说看法 10

3.2 效力待定说看法 10

3.3 对有效说看法 11

4 完善我国无权处分合同效力认定体系的建议 14

结 论 15

参 考 文 献 16

致 谢 17

摘 要




The right to dispose of in the civil law belongs to a more complex legal concept, which is the biggest controversy than the power of disposition of the contract. Article 51 of the Contract Law of the People's Republic of China stipulates that "the person who has no power to dispose of the property of another person and who has the right to suspend or have no power to dispose of the contract has obtained the right of disposition." The validity of the contract is determined to be effective, too general to consider, caused a lot of scholars to discuss and question, I also think that defective, and whether the provisions involved in the confirmation of the contract is valid, the provisions of the first and The goodwill acquisition system of civil law is contrary. This article will be divided into four parts from this study to elaborate, through examples of demonstration, comparative demonstration and other ways and find the problem, analyze the problem, solve the problem of the path discussed, intended to clarify the effectiveness of the contract without the issue of how to identify and put forward Related to judicial advice. The second part studies the foreign legislation, the international legal documents and the determination of the validity of the legislation and the academic circles in China without the right to dispose of the contract. The second part studies the foreign legislation, the international legal documents and the determination of the validity of the legislation The third part elaborates the author's view on the different viewpoints of our academic circles and puts forward their own opinions. The fourth part puts forward some suggestions on perfecting the system of determining the validity of the contract.

Keywords:unauthorized disposition;unauthorized disposition contract;bona fide acquisition;

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