2020-07-07 21:35:24
摘 要
关键词:施工资质 强制性规定 合同效力
An Empirical Study on the Validity and Management Norm of Architectural Construction——Taking construction qualification as an example
The construction market has driven the rapid development of China's economy. At the same time, many other related industries have also developed, and a large number of jobs have also been created. However, the construction project has a significant relationship with the public interests, and the laws and regulations involved are complex, and the construction market is highly competitive and the profits are very large. As a result, many construction companies may be involved in engineering approval, tendering and bidding, signing engineering contracts and fulfillment, etc. The illegal operation of links, such as unqualified contracting, subcontracting, affiliation, illegal subcontracting, etc., will not only lead to a large number of contractual disputes, but also lead to the impact of various illegal actions on the effectiveness of contracts in practice. The unavoidable problem in the construction project contract dispute.
The identification of the nature of construction qualifications is the key to the effectiveness of the construction project construction contract in practice. Moreover, after the construction company has concluded the construction project construction contract in violation of the construction qualification and has caused a dispute, the judicial authority will handle it more quickly and accurately. This article will proceed from the connotation and nature of construction qualifications and conduct a simple theoretical analysis of construction qualifications. Then, under the relevant theoretical foundations such as mandatory regulations, and in combination with the mandatory requirements for construction qualifications in the “Building Law”, it will be analyzed as a validity provision. Is also a regulatory requirement. Then, a series of contradictions arising from the construction project construction contract will be signed for common construction companies that violate the construction qualification regulations, and simple analysis and argumentation will be carried out. Finally, the advanced management systems of developed countries will be combined to make relevant recommendations.
Key words:Construction Qualification;Mandatory Provisions;Contract Effectiveness
目 录
一、建设工程施工资质相关概念及性质辨析 1
(一)建设施工资质的法律概念 1
(二)建设施工资质的性质 1
1、施工资质与法人的民事权利能力 1
2、施工资质与法人的民事行为能力 2
3、施工资质与法人的经营范围 3
4、施工资质属于强制性规范 3
二、施工资质对建设施工合同效力的影响 4
(一)施工资质属效力性规范或管理性规范辨析 4
1、效力性规范与管理性规范界定 4
2、施工资质是效力性规范还是管理性规范 5
(二)违反施工资质的类型以及对合同效力的影响 6
1、未取得施工资质 6
2、超越施工资质 6
3、借用施工资质 7
(三)施工资质导致合同纠纷的实证分析 7
1、盐城市华为照明工程有限公司、江苏建兴建工集团有限公司建设工程施工合同纠纷案 7
2、鞍山大府建设工程有限公司与张福成建设工程合同纠纷案 8
3、吴康明、吴川市张炎纪念中学建设工程合同纠纷案 8
4、总结分析 8
(四)法律后果 9
1、工程计价款结算 9
2、损害赔偿 10
3、行政、刑事制裁 10
三、建筑工程施工资质制度之完善 11
(一)存在弊端 11
(二)完善构想 11
1、取消施工资质等级制度 12
2、完善工程担保制度和保险制度 12
3、加大违法行为查处力度 12
结 语 14
参考文献 15
致谢 17