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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 法学类 > 法学 > 正文


 2020-07-07 21:34:30  

摘 要



关键词:刑事诉讼制度改革 审判为中心 公诉制度

On the Reform of Public Prosecution System under the Context of Judicature


In recent years, frequent occurrences of false positives and wrongs have highlighted the drawbacks of investigating criminal proceedings. The "Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Several Issues Concerning the Comprehensive Ruling of the State by Law" (hereinafter referred to as the "Decision") adopted by the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee puts forward the strategic goal of "promoting trial-centered reform of the litigation system." This is not only an obligatory requirement to follow the laws of judicial law and promote the substantiveization of court trials, but also an important measure to promote judicial justice and improve the credibility of the company. The prosecutor's office as a link of criminal proceedings plays an important role in the smooth conduct of criminal proceedings. The trial-centered reform of the litigation system will inevitably bring about all-round and far-reaching influence on the work of the public prosecution office.

This article starts from the basic theory of the trial-centered litigation system reform, and summarizes and compares the features and advantages of the public prosecution functions in extraterritorial countries. It analyzes and summarizes current problems in the public prosecution system in China and tries to find solutions and measures. Doing a good job in public prosecution will provide some help.

Key borads: criminal procedure system;Trial-centered;Prosecution system


摘要 I

Abstract II

引言 1

一、“以审判为中心”诉讼制度改革的基本理论 2

(一)“以审判为中心”诉讼制度改革提出背景 2

(二)“以审判为中心”诉讼制度改革的内涵 2

(三)推进“以审判为中心”诉讼制度改革意义 4

二、“以审判为中心”视角下公诉职能定位的比较研究 5

(一)英美法系公诉职能定位及启示 5

(二)大陆法系公诉职能定位及启示 6

三、“以审判为中心”诉讼制度改革对公诉制度的挑战 8

四、“以审判为中心”视角下我国当前公诉制度存在的问题 10

(一)传统刑事司法观念根深蒂固 10

(二)公诉机关无法对侦查机关进行有效、实质性监督 10

(三)公诉机关自由裁量权限制过多,繁简分流制度不健全 11

(四)庭审走过场影响公诉机关控诉职能发挥 11

1.证人出席法庭作证率低 11

2. 庭审交叉询问制度不完善,质证流于形式 11

(五)公诉机关过分重视业绩考核,考核方法不符合诉讼规律 12

(六)公诉机关不够独立,行政化色彩严重 12

五、“以审判为中心”视角下公诉制度的改进措施 13

(一)革新观念,树立先进的刑事司法理念 13

(二)健全公诉机关对侦查机关实质性监督的机制 13

(三)扩大自由裁量权,完善不起诉制度,健全繁简分流制度 14

(四)完善庭审证人出庭作证制度,健全交叉询问制度 15

1.提高证人出庭作证的比率 15

2.完善交叉询问制度 15

(五)改进公诉机关业绩考核方式,改变“唯考核结果论”观念 16

(六)提高公诉机关独立性,减少行政干预 16

结语 17

参考文献 18

致谢 19


“以侦查为中心”的诉讼模式造成冤假错案频繁发生,为改变这一现状,中国共产党在十八届四中全会提出推进“以审判为中心”诉讼制度改革的要求,将以审判为中心提升到国家的高度。该制度改革对公诉工作提出了更高的标准和要求,因此公诉机关如何应对成为当前理论课题之一。本文站在公诉机关的立场和角度,运用比较法学习借鉴域外公诉制度的合理之处,从审判为中心视角出发,分析我国公诉工作与该项制度改革之间的不协调之处,并结合实践提出具体的解决措施。研究如何发挥好公诉机关在推进刑事诉讼制度改革中的作用,对改革目标的最终实现, 具有重要的意义。


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