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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 法学类 > 法学 > 正文


 2020-07-05 17:39:27  

摘 要





关键词:高等学校 校内申诉 学生权利 纪律处分

A Study on the Complaints System of Students in Universities


With the comprehensive advancement of building a country under the rule of law,China’s legal system has entered a new stage after years of improvement.However, the development of the legal system is not a one-time process.In the management process of higher education,the students of higher education institutions cases of complaints within the school show different trends and become the focus of media and scholars.

In recent years, there are various disputes between students and colleges.In the past,students did not have sufficient legal awareness and they did not know how to respond when their legal rights were violated.After the reform and opening up, the awareness of civil rights has increased. With the continuous improvement of the level of knowledge,students’ awareness of rights protection has also gradually increased, and legal consciousness has been correspondingly established. Therefore,when the awareness of rights protection of students increases, the school will also face some new legal issues in the management of student activities.

In 2016,the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China and the People's Republic of China promulgated the “Regulations for the Management of Students in General Higher Education Institutions”.It deliberately opens up a chapter to confirm and explains the students' right of appeal,which stipulates the students' appeal channels and relief methods to help them protect their own rights.

In this essay,I analyze various problems in the contemporary school complaints system with extraterritorial experience,based on the basic situation of China's universities.Also, I will make some suggestions about China's school complaint system,which is suitable for the current condition.

Key words:tertiary college;Intramural appeal;Student rights;Disciplinary action

目 录

中文摘要 I

英文摘要 II

引言 1

(一)问题提出 1

(二)研究思路 1

一、高等学校学生校内申诉制度 2

(一)高等学校学生校内申诉制度的概念 2

(二) 高等学校学生纪律处分纠纷类型 2

1. 纪律处分 3

2. 学术学位 3

(三)高等学校学生校内申诉制度的功能定位 4

1.维护学生合法权益 4

2.规范校方权力 4

3.利于创建和谐高校 4

二、高等学校学生校内申诉制度实施现状 5

(一)学生申诉委员会的组织机构设立 5

(二)学生申诉委员会受理案件的种类 5

(三)学生申诉委员会的组成人员 6

(四)学生申诉委员会的具体程序安排 7

三、高等学校学生校内申诉制度的缺陷与不足 10

(一)现实不足 10

1.校方未完全树立依法治校理念 10

2.校方未切实关注学生权益 10

3.学生处于弱势地位 10

(二)《普通高等学校学生管理规定》的不足 11

1.学生申诉委员会未规定回避制度 11

2.学生申诉委员会未确定组成人员比例 11

3.未明确校外专业人员聘请费用承担 13

四、高等学校学生校内申诉制度完善之思考 12

(一)改善具体实践状况 12

1.积极深入依法治校理念 12

2.坚持以学生为本的教育管理观念 12

3.保障学生应有权利,解除其后顾之忧 12

(二)完善条款规定 13

1.建立回避制度 13

2.细化组成比例 13

3.明确校外专业人员费用承担 14

结语 15

参考文献 16

致谢 17




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