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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 地理科学类 > 地理信息科学 > 正文


 2022-02-10 19:06:58  


摘 要

水稻是全球第三大的粮食作物,种植面积占总耕地面积的15%,水稻也是我国最重要农作物之一,占粮食作物产量的33.5%。及时、精确地了解水稻面积是中国粮食种植结构调整的基础,是中国粮食安全战略发展的需求,并且也是信息化农业、精准农业发展的需求。遥感技术以及时、精确 、客观的优点成为水稻种植面积监测的高效手段。

GF-1卫星分辨率高,辐射宽度大,重访期短,适用于农业遥感监测。 本研究以GF-1卫星遥感数据为主要数据源,综合分析了新沂的水稻物候特点,结合水稻光谱特征,选择监督分类并进行了面积提取,实现了遥感监测水稻种植区域。主要研究成果如下:



Extraction of Rice Planting Area Based on GF-1 Satellite Data


Rice is the third largest food crop in the world. Second only to wheat and corn.Rice has always been one of the most important crops in China, accounting for 33.5% of the total output of food crops. The timely and accurate understanding of the rice area is the basis for the adjustment of China's grain planting structure, the development of China's food security strategy, and it is also the demand for the development of informationized agriculture and precision agriculture. The timely, accurate and objective advantages of remote sensing technology have become an effective means of monitoring rice planting area.

The GF-1 satellite has high resolution, large radiation width and short revisit period, which is suitable for agricultural remote sensing monitoring. This study takes GF-1 satellite remote sensing data as the main data source, comprehensively analyzes the rice phenology characteristics of Xinyi, combines the spectral characteristics of rice, and selects scientific and effective classification and area extraction methods to achieve remote sensing extraction of rice cultivation areas. The main research results are as follows:

In the case of a combination of terrestrial quadrats, the land use classification of the GF-1 remote sensing image of Xinyi City was carried out and the rice planting area was extracted through the supervised classification. Finally, the accuracy of the extraction results was verified using the field survey data and statistical data. The results show that the overall accuracy of land classification in Xinyi City is 94.83%, the Kappa coefficient is 0.938, the area accuracy of rice is 91.43%, and the accuracy meets basic needs. Therefore, it is feasible to use GF-1 satellite imagery to extract rice area.

Key words:rice; remote sensing; Supervised classification; high resolation one;


摘要 2

Abstract 3

第一章绪论 6

1.1 研究背景及意义 6

1.1.1研究背景 6

1.1.2 研究意义 7

1.2 国内外发展现状 8

1.2.1 国外研究现状 8

1.2.2 国内研究现状 9

1.3 研究内容及方法 10

第二章研究区简介及数据处理 11

2.1 研究区简介 11

2.1.1 研究区地理位置 11

2.1.2 研究区农作物概况 11

2.2 遥感影像及预处理 12

2.2.1 遥感数据概况 12

2.2.2 精度验证数据 13

2.2.3 遥感影像预处理 13

第三章基于遥感影像的水稻种植面积提取方法 14

3.1 水稻识别原理及方法 14

3.1.1 水稻识别原理 14

3.1.2 水稻及其他地物光谱特征分析 16

3.1.3 主要地物目视解译的标志 19

3.2 地物分类的方法及分类器的选择 20

3.2.1 地物分类的方法选择 20

3.2.2监督分类的分类器选择 20

3.3 监督分类过程及水稻面积提取 22

3.3.1 监督分类实验过程 22

3.3.2 水稻面积提取 30

第四章水稻面积提取的精度评定 33

4.1 精度评定的方法及流程 33

4.1.1 精度评定的主要方法 33

4.1.2 精度评定的过程 33

4.2 精度评定结果分析 36

4.2.1 地物分类的精度评定 36

4.2.2 水稻面积的精度评定 38

4.2.3 小结分析 38

第五章结论与展望 39

5.1 主要研究结论 39

5.2 存在的不足及展望 40

参考文献 41

致谢 42

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究背景及意义





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