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 2022-01-26 12:21:41  


摘 要


关键词:DMSP/OLS数据 空间聚类 最小生成树 城市景观格局

Spatial clustering Analysis of Urban Landscape pattern based on Night Lighting remote Sensing


Previous studies have shown that urban built-up areas can be obtained from night light remote sensing images. In this paper, a method is used to extract urban objects from luminous satellite images and to cluster and analyze them. First of all, the threshold method will be used to extract the urban built-up area and represent it as the urban object. Secondly, spatial clustering analysis is applied to these basic urban objects to form a higher level of spatial unit-urban spatial cluster. The minimum spanning tree (MST) is used to represent the spatial proximity between urban objects. Different from previous studies, the distance between urban object boundaries is used as the weight to quantify the edge weight in MST. The urban spatial cluster is described by mathematical morphological operation and minimum convex hull construction. A series of landscape and statistical properties are calculated to describe these clusters. This paper provides a method to study the spatial distribution of cities and the law of urban development and evolution at the national level. Studies show that urban built-up areas can be obtained from remote sensing images of night lights. In this paper, a method of spatial clustering and analysis of urban objects extracted from nighttime satellite images is presented. Firstly, the urban built-up areas are extracted by threshold method and represented as discrete urban objects. These urban objects are treated as basic spatial units and quantified according to geometric and shape attributes and their spatial relationships. Secondly, spatial clustering analysis is applied to these basic urban objects to form a higher level of spatial unit -- urban spatial cluster. Minimum spanning tree (MST) is used to represent the spatial proximity relationship between urban objects. Different from previous studies, the distance between the boundaries of urban objects is used as the weight in MST to quantify the edge weight. The urban spatial clusters are described by mathematical morphological operation and minimal convex hull construction. Compute a series of morphological and structural attributes to describe these clusters. This paper provides a method for studying the spatial distribution of large-scale cities and the law of urban development and evolution. This method can be applied to the analysis of Chinese urban landscape at the national level, and a series of urban agglomerations can be defined and quantified.

Keyword:DMSP/OLS data; spatial clustering; minimum spanning Tree; urban landscape pattern


摘要 I


第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景和研究意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.3 研究内容与技术路线 4

第二章 研究区概况与数据预处理 6

2.1 研究区概况 6

2.2 研究数据 6

2.3 夜间灯光数据预处理 7

第三章 基于夜间灯光的城市建成区及城市对象获取 9

3.1 建成区提取方法 9

3.2 提取结果与精度评价 10

3.3 城市对象属性 11

3.4 城市对象之间的空间邻近关系 13

第四章 城市景观格局空间聚类分析 16

4.1 基于MST划分的城市对象空间聚类 16

4.2 城市集群特征分析 19

4.3 城市空间集群的形成与演化分析 25

第五章 结论与展望 28

5.1 结论 28

5.2 不足与展望 28

参考文献 29

致谢 31

第一章 绪论


近两百年来,由于工业革命的发展、科技进步、生产方式的改变,人类主要的活动区域开始由农村逐渐向城市转移,人口的转移使得城市范围不得不不断扩张和发展。Gottmann用“megalopolis”这个词来描述美国东海岸从波士顿到华盛顿特区的巨大都市区[1]。文献中也使用了诸如Conurbation, Urban agglomeration, Urban cluster等其他术语来表示这种大型城市景观现象[1]。尽管术语不一致,但是这种广泛的、多中心的、多城市的城市景观已经得到了广泛的承认。研究城市建成区有助于了解该城市的经济、社会等发展进程以及与其相邻的城市间的空间经济关系。截止到2008年,全球的城市人口首次超过了农村人口,全球开始进入城市型社会[28]。城市的发展变化开始成为国家能够反映国家经济、社会发展的重要参考因素。



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