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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 地理科学类 > 地理信息科学 > 正文


 2021-11-02 21:10:43  

摘 要






In recent years, with the improvement of the national economic level, people are not satisfied with the goal of only having enough to eat, wearing warm clothes, especially in view of the green mountains and rivers put forward by the government, people pay more attention to the ecological environment.Whether it is the waste treatment plants in the city, the chemical plants around the city, the winter heating boiler houses in the areas north of the Yangtze river, and so on, these factories spread into the air through their chimneys and are one of the causes of all kinds of air pollution

Firstly, this paper studies the gaussian model, combines WebGIS technology, adopts the method of system engineering, carries out system analysis and system design, and finally realizes the dynamic simulation system of air pollution based on WebGIS.The system has the functions of real-time simulation of air pollution diffusion dynamic display and related function query, and can provide services and decision-making for the factories with flue gas emission.

The results show that there are various factors affecting the smoke diffusion. Different wind speed, different time sequence and other information will affect the pollution range and pollution concentration, but the shape of the overall pollution range presents an elliptic diffusion mode when the wind direction is unchanged.

Key Words:Air pollution;Diffusion model;GIS technology;WebGIS

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究的背景和意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.2.1 大气扩散模型的分类 1

1.2.2 三种常见大气扩散模型的分析 2

1.3本文研究内容与技术路线 2

1.3.1 研究内容 2

1.3.2 技术路线 2

第2章 研究模型与研究技术 4

2.1 高斯烟羽模型介绍 4

2.1.1 点源高斯烟羽模型 4

2.2 高斯烟羽模型参数的确定 5

2.2.1 大气稳定度等级的确定 5

2.2.2 扩散系数的确定 6

2.2.3 有效高度的确定 6

2.3 WebGIS技术 8

2.3.1 WebGIS技术简介 8

2.3.2 WebGIS的优势与劣势 8

2.4 前端语言的介绍 9

2.5 Java的介绍 9

2.6 百度地图API的介绍 10

2.7 MySQL的介绍 10

2.8 Navicat的介绍 10

第3章 基于WebGIS的大气污染动态模拟系统的实现 12

3.1 系统的需求分析 12

3.2 系统的功能设计 12

3.3 系统的界面设计 13

3.4 系统的功能实现 14

第4章 系统的应用分析 17

4.1 系统的影响因子 17

4.1.1 风速因子 17

4.1.2 大气稳定度等级 18

4.1.3 泄露源的参数 19

4.1.4 地形地貌情况影响 20

4.2 系统的应用前景 21

第5章 总结与展望 22

5.1 总结 22

5.2 展望 22

参考文献 23

致谢 24

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究的背景和意义




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