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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 电子信息类 > 通信工程 > 正文


 2022-01-13 20:53:11  


摘 要





关键词:爬虫 API接口 主成分分析 多元线性回归分析 预测

Acquisition and analysis of network data


With the rapid development of the Internet, human society has entered the information age. How to effectively obtain information from the Internet and make use of it has become a realistic subject. This paper takes weather information as the object to conduct research, which is divided into two parts. One is to discuss how to collect data from the network; the other is to discuss how to analyze the data so as to explore its value.

In the part of network data collection, this paper uses simple web crawler and API to complete data acquisition, and uses the acquired data to achieve three major weather forecasting functions: real-time weather query, temperature change trend query and WeChat push function of weather information.

In the part of data analysis, this paper takes historical weather information as the research object and tries to predict the future temperature by modeling. Firstly, three principal component factors and their corresponding principal component coefficient matrix are obtained by using principal component analysis (PCA) to reduce dimensions of meteorological factors. Then, the principal component factors were taken as independent variables and air temperature as a dependent variable for multiple linear regression analysis, and a regression equation was obtained, completing the establishment of the prediction model.

In the prediction, it only needs to multiply the corresponding meteorological factors of the day with the principal component coefficient matrix to get the principal component factors, and then substitute the principal component factors into the regression equation to predict the temperature of the next day.

Key Words: web crawler; API; PCA; multiple linear regression analysis; predict


摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及其意义 1

1.1.1 研究背景 1

1.1.2 研究意义 1

1.1.3 研究方法 2

1.2 论文组成 2

1.2.1 天气预报信息的获取 2

1.2.2 三大功能的实现 2

1.2.3 对历史天气数据的建模分析 3

1.3 相关软件说明 3

第二章 网络信息获取 4

2.1 信息获取的爬虫实现 4

2.1.1 requests库简介及信息获取的准备工作 4

2.1.2 利用爬虫进行信息获取 4

2.2 信息获取的API实现 5

2.2.1 各个网站提供的天气预报API 5

2.2.2 利用API进行信息获取 6

第三章 天气预报系统的功能实现 8

3.1 PyQt的使用 8

3.1.1 PyQt常用组件介绍 8

3.1.2 PyQt的信号槽机制 8

3.1.3 PyQt的界面文件与Python文件之间的转换 8

3.2 天气实时查询功能 9

3.2.1 GUI设计 9

3.2.2 函数设计 10

3.3 未来温度变化趋势查询 11

3.3.1 GUI设计 11

3.3.2 函数设计 11

3.4 天气预报信息的微信推送 13

3.4.1 wxpy库简介 14

3.4.2 GUI设计 14

3.4.3 函数设计 14

第四章 历史天气数据的建模分析 17

4.1 气象数据的主成分分析 17

4.1.1 主成分分析法 17

4.1.2 气象数据处理 19

4.2 对气温的多元线性回归预测 25

4.2.1 多元线性回归分析 26

4.2.2 利用模型进行预测 28

4.3 GUI界面设计 29

4.3.1 算法总结 29

4.3.2 GUI设计与实现 29

第五章 总结与展望 31

5.1 工作总结 31

5.2 研究展望 31

参考文献 33

致谢 35

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究背景及其意义

1.1.1 研究背景



1.1.2 研究意义



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