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 2022-01-08 22:15:45  


摘 要


本论文基于FEKO和MATLAB软件进行雷达目标建模与仿真研究,重点是使用FEKO软件实现雷达散射截面积(Radar Cross Section, RCS)仿真,MATLAB软件进行雷达回波仿真。具体内容包括:介绍了雷达目标建模仿真研究现状;研究了雷达目标RCS建模理论及不同分布下的起伏模型特征,在此基础上,介绍了FEKO的使用和目标RCS的计算方法,基于不同仿真参数,仿真不同的目标模型,对仿真结果进行对比分析得到根据不同的频率、角度和目标形状RCS会发生改变;然后介绍了窄带和宽带回波的雷达仿真,在此基础上,使用MATLAB进行回波仿真并分析,最后,使用FEKO和MATLAB进行联合仿真。

关键词:雷达 目标建模 雷达散射截面积 FEKO

Research on radar target modeling and simulation


Radar is a basic radio detection and ranging device. With the development of modern technology, all kinds of electronic countermeasures are emerging and the difficulty of radar detection is constantly upgrading. Therefore, the use of radar system simulation technology has become the general trend, which can be applied in the main design links of radar system. Among them, radar target echo simulation is the core part of the whole radar system simulation, which determines the function realization of the radar system.

In this paper, radar target modeling and simulation research is carried out based on FEKO and MATLAB software. The focus is to use FEKO software to realize Radar Cross Section simulation and MATLAB software to carry out Radar echo simulation. The specific contents include: the research status of radar target modeling and simulation is introduced; Radar target RCS is studied under different distribution modeling theory and characteristics of rolling model on this basis, this paper introduces the using FEKO and target RCS calculation method, based on different simulation parameters, the simulation of different target model, the simulation results were analyzed according to different frequency, Angle and shape of target RCS will change; Then, the radar simulation of narrowband and broadband echo is introduced. On this basis, the echo simulation and analysis are carried out by using MATLAB. Finally, FEKO and MATLAB are used for joint simulation.

Key Words: Radar; Target modeling; RCS; FEKO

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景及意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.3 论文内容及安排 2

第二章 目标RCS起伏模型 4

2.1 引言 4

2.2 雷达回波信号 4

2.2.1 目标回波信号 4

2.2.2 噪声信号 5

2.2.3 杂波信号 5

2.3 雷达散射截面积RCS 5

2.3.1 RCS的概念 5

2.3.2 RCS特性 6

2.4 RCS起伏模型 6

2.4.1 卡方分布模型 7

2.4.2马克姆模型 9

2.4.3对数正态分布模型 10

2.5 本章小结 11

第三章 基于FEKO的RCS仿真 12

3.1引言 12

3.2 FEKO简介 12

3.2.1 FEKO的算法 13

3.3 典型目标类型 14

3.3.1 简单几何形体 15

3.3.2 复杂模型 17

3.4 本章小结 21

第四章 基于MATLAB的雷达回波仿真 22

4.1 引言 22

4.2 雷达目标回波信号 22

4.2.1 窄带回波信号 22

4.2.2 宽带回波信号 23

4.3雷达目标回波仿真 24

4.3.1 窄带雷达回波仿真 24

4.3.2 宽带雷达回波仿真 25

4.4 FEKO和MATLAB联合仿真 29

4.5 本章小结 31

第五章 总结与展望 32

5.1全文总结 32

5.2 展望 32

参考文献 34

致 谢 36






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