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 2021-12-28 20:56:43  


摘 要




关键词:STM32F103C8T6 NB-IoT无线传输模组 路灯故障定位系统 Android 有人云平台

Design of Wireless System for Street Lamp Fault Location


The continuous development of the economy has greatly improved the urban lives of the people. What follows is the demand for higher-quality urban life. As an indispensable part of modern urban civilization, the quality of lighting services provided by street lights directly affects the safety of pedestrians and traffic, so a fault location system for street lights is necessary. Most of the traditional street lamp fault location systems rely on manual inspection or monitoring on the PC side through the GPS network, which can no longer meet people's needs for intelligent and accurate management of street lamps. With the continuous improvement of the NB-IoT network deployment of various operators and the full popularization of smart phones, the NB-IoT-based Android platform street lamp fault location system will be widely used.

This article designs the street light fault location system based on NB-IoT. The system consists of four parts: street light terminal sensor module, NB-IoT, user cloud platform and Android client. STM32F103C8T6 is adopted in the street light terminal sensor module as the processing core. The illuminance data is collected through the BH1750 illuminance sensor module. The STM32F103C8T6 parses and collects the collected illuminance data and uploads it to the user cloud platform by the NB-IoT wireless transmission module WH-NB75-BA. The Android client software is designed and developed by using C and JAVA programming languages. It sends requests to the user cloud platform to obtain data, and analyzes and processes the requested data to obtain real-time illumination information of street lamps to implement fault monitoring of street lamps.

The software and hardware designed in this subject have passed the preliminary inspection and passed the acceptance test, which can achieve the expected results.

Key Words:STM32F103C8T6; NB-IoT wireless transmission module; Street lamp fault location system; Android; User cloud platform


摘要 I


第一章 绪论 1

1.1 课题研究背景及意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.3 技术概述和研究内容 3

第二章 系统方案设计 5

2.1 系统功能需求分析 5

2.2 系统工作原理 5

2.3 系统架构设计 5

2.3.1 系统硬件框图 6

2.3.2 客户端软件流程图 7

第三章 系统硬件选型 9

3.1 单片机选择及介绍 9

3.2 NB-IoT模块的选择及介绍 12

3.2.1 模块选择 12

3.2.2 WH-NB75-BA模块AT指令介绍 12

3.2.3 CoAP数据传输协议 13

3.3 BH1750照度传感器模块 14

3.4 太阳能电源模块 15

3.5 SX1308可调升压模块 16

3.6 硬件整体原理图 17

第四章 NB-IoT路灯故障定位系统端到端的集成开发 19

4.1 NB-IoT 路灯终端软件设计 19

4.1.1 路灯终端软件开发平台选择 19

4.1.2 Keil uVision5新建Project 19

4.1.3 主程序流程图 21

4.1.4 照度传感器模块数据解析设计 21

4.1.5 照度状态数据上传设计 22

4.2 云平台使用 24

4.2.1 云平台的选择 24

4.2.2 有人透传云平台账号注册和登录 24

4.2.3 有人透传云平台账号使用 26

4.2.4 有人透传云数据上报流程 27

4.3 Android APP开发 27

4.3.1 Android studio开发环境 27

4.3.2 Android studio开发流程 28

4.3.3 Android APP具体代码实现 31

4.3.4 Android APP界面 32

第五章 系统调试及结果分析 34

5.1 硬件测试平台搭建 34

5.2 软件测试平台搭建 36

5.2.1 PC机上调试软件 36

5.2.1 Android软件 36

5.3 系统调试 38

5.3.1 路灯硬件调试 38

5.3.2 路灯硬件程序调试 38

5.3.3 路灯Android软件调试 40

5.3.4 系统联调 41

5.4 结果分析 42

总结与展望 43

参考文献 44

致谢 47

附录一 硬件原理图 48

附录二 PCB布线图 49


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