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 2021-11-07 20:50:59  

摘 要



关键词:移动边缘计算 任务卸载 资源分配 服务质量


With the development of wireless communication technology, especially emerging applications such as augmented or virtual reality and online games, more and more computing-intensive tasks and delay-sensitive tasks have become the bottleneck for mobile devices. At the same time, since cloud is far away from the user, the task execution delay is large, which cannot meet the delay-sensitive tasks.Therefore, as one of the core technologies of 5G, Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) has been proposed,which refers to providing computing, communication, and storage functions on the side of the wireless access network. The user can offload the tasks from local to MEC server to execute.It can solve the problems caused by insufficient computing power of mobile devices,lower the latency of task execution and the energy loss of mobile equipment,and increase the life of equipment.

However, due to the limitations of hardware and cost, the computing resources of the mobile edge computing server are also limited. With the increasing number of mobile users, a good deal of computing tasks are offloaded to the MEC server for execution.For an MEC system, how to choose the offloading method of computing tasks and rationally allocate wireless and computing resources to improve the performance of the system and meet the needs of users is one of the biggest challenges.This thesis first studies the offloading algorithms and resource distribution algorithms proposed by MEC at home and abroad. Based on understanding the principles of MEC,a strategy considers task priority and equal proportion resource allocation is proposed.By using MATLAB simulation, the algorithm's research is analyzed and the change of the total system delay before and after using the algorithm is analyzed. It is concluded that the algorithm can reduce the total system delay under certain circumstances and ameliorate the systematic performance.

Key Words:MEC Task Offloading Resource Allocation QoS


第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景和意义 1

1.2国内外的研究现状 2

1.3本文的研究内容和章节安排 3

第2章 MEC的相关技术和原理介绍 5

2.1 MEC的基本概念 5

2.2 MEC的组成和部署 5

2.2.1 MEC的组成 5

2.2.2 MEC的部署 6

2.3 计算卸载技术 8

2.4 本章小结 9

第3章 数学模型 10

3.1应用模型 10

3.2本地执行模型 10

3.3卸载执行模型 11

3.4系统总时延模型 11

3.5 本章小结 12

第4章 基于优先级策略和资源比例分配策略的移动边缘计算算法研究 13

4.1优先卸载策略 13

4.2资源分配策略 13

4.3基于优先级策略和资源比例分配策略的移动边缘计算算法 14

4.4 仿真分析 15

4.5 本章小结 18

第5章 总结和展望 19

5.1 本文内容总结 19

5.2 工作展望 20

参考文献 21

致谢 23

第1章 绪论




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