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 2021-10-27 22:24:33  

摘 要




In today's world, the manufacturing industry is developing rapidly, and people's material living standards are increasing day by day. In the process of further improving manufacturing capabilities in the future, industrial robots play a very important role. In order to better manage and use industrial robots, reasonably arrange manufacturing tasks, improve production efficiency, and promote product replacement, it is increasingly important to model the capabilities of industrial robots. However, the informatization of re-industrial robots is still lacking, lacking a complete description model, and lacking a suitable recommendation system. Considering the unique advantages of knowledge graphs in recommendation screening, this thesis focuses on the design and implementation of a service recommendation system for industrial robot manufacturing capabilities based on knowledge graphs, and will analyze and study the following aspects: (1) build industrial robot manufacturing capabilities Describe the model. Summarize common description models from different kinds of robot data. The research clearly defines the specific structure of the description model, and the description model is presented through the simulation software protégé. Through the establishment and description of knowledge graph through ontology, the basic information ontology, manufacturing capability ontology and manufacturing process ontology are constructed. Each of these three ontologies includes two parts, namely the general module part and the expansion module part. (2) Through the Cypher query language, a knowledge graph is constructed in the graph database Neo4j. Mainly use create to create the corresponding nodes and relationships. Use tags to determine which category you belong to. When performing a recommendation query, use the match statement to perform a matching query and return a matching result. The optimal results are returned by setting corresponding constraints. (3) Use Java language to write a back-end to query the database, construct a web page to query the database. This design uses springboot to build the background, and monitors the query operation of the browser by adding corresponding notes, so that the web page can connect to the background to query the database. Then return the query result to the web page, that is, the optimal industrial robot recommendation returned to the user.

Key Words:Industrial Robot; Knowledge Graph; Neo4j; Manufacturing Capability

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景目的与意义 1

1.1.1 工业机器人 1

1.1.2 知识图谱 1

1.1.3 基于知识图谱的工业机器人推荐系统 2

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1 制造能力研究现状 2

1.2.2 知识图谱现状 2

1.2.3 基于工业机器人的知识图谱 3

1.3 主要内容与组织结构 3

1.3.1 研究内容 3

1.3.2 本文组织结构 4

第2章 工业机器人的制造能力模型 5

2.1模型模块分析 5

2.2 基于本体的模型构建 6

2.2.1 本体的概念 6

2.2.2 本体的建模 7

2.2.3 protégé建模 7

2.3 工业机器人制造系统本体 8

2.3.1 基本信息本体 8

2.3.2 制造能力本体 9

2.3.3 制造过程本体 9

2.4 本章小结 10

第3章 工业机器人知识图谱 11

3.1知识图谱 11

3.2 图数据库Neo4j 11

3.2.1 Neo4j简介 11

3.2.2 Cypher语句 11

3.3 在Neo4j中实现工业机器人知识图谱 12

3.3.1 创建机器人节点 12

3.3.2 基本信息节点 12

3.3.3 制造能力节点 14

3.3.4 制造过程节点 15

3.3.5 节点连接 16

3.4 知识图谱查询演示 17

3.4.1 单重限定条件查询 17

3.4.2 多重限定条件查询 18

3.5 本章小结 18

第4章 查询推荐系统 19

4.1 系统结构 19

4.2 开发工具与框架 19

4.2.1 IDEA与Maven 19

4.2.2 springboot与Neo4j 20

4.2.3 pom文件设置 20

4.3 模块分析 20

4.4 效果展示 22

4.5 本章小结 23

第5章 总结与展望 24

5.1 总结与反思 24

5.2 改进与展望 24

参考文献 26

附录 28

致谢 35



1.1.1 工业机器人




1.1.2 知识图谱


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