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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 电子信息类 > 通信工程 > 正文


 2021-06-25 01:12:07  

摘 要

随着信息社会的发展,人们对信息传递的速度和质量有着越来越严苛的要求。在信息的采集和传输方面,智能手机起着至关重要的作用。Android操作系统是一个开放源代码的操作系统,它是在Linux的基础上进行开发的,是目前最为流行使用最广泛的智能手机开发平台。二维码是几何图形按某种规律排列而来,二维码能在很小的范围内表达大量的信息,是因为它能够在横纵两个方向同时传递表达信息。它具有成本低、储存容量大、 安全性高,保密防伪性强等优点,可以用来存储文字、图像、数据等信息。所以二维码发挥其信息载体的作用,在信息传递领域的作用越来越大。





关键词:二维码 QRCode Android eclipse


In the rapid development of society, more and more people have a strong desire for information. So,smart phone for collection and transmission of information plays a vital role.Android is based on Linux ,one of the open source operating systems, is the most popular and is the most widely used smartphone platform development [3].Two-dimensional code is from geometry which is arranged by some regulation.Two-dimensional code can express a lot of information in a very small range, because it is able to transmit information at the same time expressing the vertical and horizontal directions[9]. It has many advantages such as low cost , large storage capacity, high security, confidentiality, security and so on ,Therefore, its role as a two-dimensional code information carrier, in the field of transmission of information is growing .

The design of writer is generation and scanning of the two-dimensional code based on the Android platform ,with the software development of Eclipse. The concise library with the two-dimensional code and bar code scanning capabilities and development capabilities is used.

System is broadly divided into two modules: two-dimensional code scanning module and two-dimensional code generation module.By calling the function of the open source library ,writer finished the development ,scanning of two-dimensional code , and being displayed in the Android phone.

The main contents are as follows.

1.Design the user interface and you will develop and scan functions into a mobile phone interface. The main interface uses a linear layout . Improve the user interface test constantly based on Android phone user habits.

2.Design and implement a two-dimensional code scanning capabilities based on Android. Create a intent which can jump into the scanning interface.Use scanning function of open source library and the project files created is declared .And the scan results displayed by code written in specific regions.

3.Designed and implemented a two-dimensional code generation features based on Android. Using the two-dimensional code generation of open source library , the result of two-dimensional code displayed on the picture designed well .

Key Words:two-dimensional code 、QRCode、Android 、eclipse

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1课题研究的背景及目的、意义 1

1.1.1 课题研究背景 1

1.1.2 课题研究目的及意义 2

1.2 二维码应用的国内外研究现状 2

1.3 本文的主要研究内容及组织结构 5

第2章 二维码生成与扫描技术的研究基础 6

2.1 二维码生成和扫描技术的相关理论 6

2.1.1 二维码介绍 6

2.1.2 ZXing库介绍 9

2.1.3 Android介绍 10

2.2 开发工具介绍 14

第3章 二维码生成和扫描系统设计和实现 15

3.1 系统分析 15

3.3.1 需求分析 15

3.3.2 可行性分析 15

3.2 系统总体功能设计 15

3.2.1 生成模块详细设计 16

3.2.2 扫描模块详细设计 17

第4章 二维码生成和扫描系统实现和调试 18

4.1 系统实现 18

4.1.1 扫描二维码功能的实现 18

4.1.2 生成二维码功能的实现 19

4.1.3 用户界面设计 20

4.2 系统测试 22

4.2.1 测试目的 22

4.2.2 测试方法 22

4.2.3 功能测试 22

4.3 结果分析 25

第5章 总结和展望 26

5.1 总结 26

5.2 展望 27

参考文献 28

致 谢 29

第1章 绪论


1.1.1 课题研究背景



而近几年来另一个飞速发展的领域就是智能设备,其中以Android手机发展势头最为突出。自从上世纪九十年代以来,移动通信技术在迅猛发展,市场应用方面也在不断增加其需求,上世纪是电影里常出现的“BB机”和“大哥大”,而到现在人手一部4G智能手机还有不久之后的5G应用,这些年来手机在不停的发展以及更新换代中,对于移动互联网的未来,我们充满想象。移动通信事业的核心内容已经从用户的增长转移到新业务的竞争。然而,人们已经不仅仅满足于打电话,只有功能更加强大更加智能的手机才能吸引到消费者的眼球。目前国内ISO标准已经有很多种条形码,里面应用最广泛的是PDF417、DateMatrix、 QR码等[2]。QR码是一种矩阵式二维条形码,相较于一维码和其他二维码,它更能全反面识读,能有效表示多国文字,具备超强抗干扰能力和识错能力等优点,十分适用于汉字编码[3]

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