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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 电子信息类 > 通信工程 > 正文


 2021-06-24 21:38:33  

摘 要





Today's society is developing rapidly,Especially in technological development is particularly prominent,smart phones become more powerful,and has been gradually integrated into everyone's life,the role of mobile phones is also growing.Now with appearing as Alipay,WeChat,QQ and other mobile payment platform,the phone is not just a communication tool,it is a personal information database and property database,so the security issue has become a focus of attention in today's society.Traditional security model is mainly as a password to unlock,Graphics unlock and so on,but with the development of society,this security model can not meet their requirements to unlock.In this background,based on biometric identification technology is into the sight of researchers,and in many biometric it has been accepted fingerprint biometric has so many advantages such as its universality,uniqueness,good

permanence,and collected easily,so using the fingerprint biometric is one kind of key research and design program APP for current phone APP developers to develop unlocking mobile phone,and is slso the current trend.

This article is based on the Android mobile phone system platform,combined with the existing fingerprint recognition algorithm to design an Android phone application APP that can be installed,running on Android phone and realize the fingerprint collection,storage,recognition.

Keywords:Android phones;APP;fingerprint;identification;


摘要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1课题研究的背景及意义 1

1.2国内外发展现状 2

1.3课题研究内容 4

1.4本文的结构安排 4

第2章 系统环境的搭建及实现 6

2.1 Android系统介绍 6

2.1.1 Android系统历史 6

2.1.2 Android系统架构 6

2.1.3Android应用组件 8

2.2开发平台的搭建 9

第3章 指纹识别技术理论 11

3.1引言 11

3.2图像采集 11

3.3图像去噪 12

3.3.1直方图均衡 12

3.3.2滤波处理 13

3.3.3增强处理 15

3.3.4二值化 17

3.4特征提取 19

3.5匹配验证 20

第4章 指纹解锁应用的设计及实现 22

4.1应用界面设计及实现 22

4.1.1应用界面设计流程 22

4.1.2应用界面代码实现 23

4.1.3应用界面效果图 24

4.2指纹解锁功能设计及实现 25

4.2.1指纹解锁功能设计流程 25

4.2.2指纹解锁功能代码实现 25

4.3整体测试 27

第5章 总结与展望 29

5.1总结 29

5.2展望 29

参考文献 30

致谢 31

第1章 绪论



前不久苹果公司宣布iPhone5s将会搭载TouchID指纹识别的功能后,移动设备上生物识别方式就有了一个大的进步。指纹识别技术的实现可以让我们有了自己的指纹标签,只需要将手指放到采集位置就可以简单的完成验证过程。这种方法对用户而言更加方便、更加安全,也省去了额外繁琐的验证过程。此后其他设备厂商也开始研究,比如HTC One max的指纹扫描器置身在摄像头的正下方,需要滑动扫描的方式验证;三星Galaxy S5验证方式是手指从屏幕的底端滑到Home键上完成指纹采集并验证;魅族MX4 Pro是在手机前方搭载了按压式的指纹传感器,通过按压采集用户指纹验证。联想在其旗舰手机Vibe P1指纹识别Sensor集成在Home键中。这些手机的出现极度引起手机界的关注,并让大家看到将生物特征与手机安全解锁的方式相结合的可能性,进一步去研究其中的技术也是大势所趋。

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