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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 电子信息类 > 通信工程 > 正文


 2021-05-13 22:23:16  

摘 要

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究目的及意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.3 论文内容安排 2

第2章 船舶信息管理系统需求分析 3

2.1 船舶信息管理系统目标 3

2.2 船舶信息管理系统总体需求分析 3

2.2.1 船舶信息管理系统功能需求分析 3

2.2.2 船舶信息管理系统性能需求分析 4

2.3 船舶信息管理系统功能模块需求分析 4

2.3.1 实时监控模块需求分析 4

2.3.2 历史回放模块需求分析 5

2.3.3 统计分析模块需求分析 5

2.4 本章小结 6

第3章 船舶信息管理系统功能设计 7

3.1 船舶信息管理系统架构设计 7

3.1.1 船舶信息管理系统技术架构设计 7

3.1.2 船舶信息管理系统网络架构设计 8

3.2 数据库设计 9

3.2.1 表结构设计 9

3.2.2 数据安全设计 10

3.3 船舶信息管理系统功能模块划分与设计 11

3.4 船舶信息管理系统主模块详细设计 12

3.4.1 实时显示主模块设计 12

3.4.2 历史回放主模块设计 15

3.4.3 统计分析主模块设计 16

3.5 本章小结 18

第4章 船舶信息管理系统具体实现 19

4.1 船舶信息管理系统测试 19

4.1.1 实时显示测试 19

4.1.2 历史回放测试 21

4.1.3 统计分析测试 22

4.2 本章小结 25

第5章 总结与展望 26

参考文献 27







With marine transportation becoming the main mode of transport, how to improve the level and efficiency of ship management, how to control the navigation of the ship more safely and economically has become the main research problem.In order to meet development trend of digital and networked management system of the ship, in this paper the software design method of object oriented is used to design the system, and realize a ship steering assessment management system which can allow operators to master and analyze the motion characteristics of the ship in real time and complete the specific plans for navigation.

This paper will be developed based on the MVC design pattern, according to the software development process firstly the whole system's functional requirements will be analyzed in detail and then to design the table structure in the database.Morever the ship management system is divided into the three main function modules:real-time display module, history playback module and statistical analysis module.For each of the main modules,the detailed design and implementation will be carried out and the system interface and the corresponding function will be displayed.Because the whole system is based on B/S architecture and the J2EE technology platform, this system has advantages of good across-platform, scalability, security, simplicity and low requirements of the client.

Windows7 operating system is used for the system application and the database server, in addition Oracle for database, Eclipse for development tools.Java(JDK7) is using as the system development language, Tomcat is for the web server system.And simplified Chinese language is supported in the platform.

Key Words: MVC; J2EE; ORACLE; Ship information management system



1.1 研究目的及意义



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