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 2021-05-11 21:03:35  

摘 要


本文通过研究,设计了一个基于人脸识别的登录系统。登录系统用VC 里的MFC和Access数据库设计实现用户的注册和登录,人脸识别包括检测和识别两个部分,通过调用OpenCV函数库实现,在实现过程中,人脸检测算法选取了Adaboost算法,人脸识别算法选取EligenFace算法。系统整体设计如下:用户在注册界面输入用户名和密码,并导入人脸图片,系统把用户信息存储到后台数据库中,完成注册过程。在登录界面,我们可以选择用户名密码登录和人脸识别登录两种方式,在人脸识别界面,调用系统摄像头采集人脸图像,然后检测图像中的人脸,检测到人脸后,把人脸部分裁剪出来用于识别登录,识别出是已经注册的用户后,系统将自动填充对应的用户名和密码,完成登录。




In recent years, with the rapid development of network and mobile devices ,when the user login application, each time you want to enter the user name, password, user information, such as user information, it will be difficult to use the user memory. If the password is relatively complex, although the security but more difficult to remember, and enter the password is likely to cause leakage of the secret. Security issues can also occur if you choose an application to log in automatically. Because of the high security and reliability of the biometric authentication technology, it has been widely used. As one kind of biometric authentication technology, face recognition technology has been paid attention to by people because of its safety and convenience. Face recognition based system security login can be better to solve the above problems.

Based on the research, this paper designs a registration system based on face recognition. Log in to the system using VC MFC and access database design to achieve a user registration and login, face recognition consists of two parts: detection and recognition, achieved by calling the opencv function library, in the implementation process, face detection algorithm selected AdaBoost algorithm, face recognition algorithm selection algorithm EligenFace. The overall design of the system is as follows: user input user name and password in the registration interface, and import the face image, the system to store the user information to the background database, complete the registration process. In the login interface, we can choose username and password and face recognition login in two ways, in face recognition interface, system call camera to capture the face image, then detect face in an image, detection to face, the face parts cut out for identifying login to identify is already registered users, the system will automatically fill corresponding user name and password, login.

The research and implementation of secure login system based on face recognition is completed in this paper. After testing, the system is stable, can achieve registration and login function, face detection and recognition effect is better, can accurately identify the login, verify the feasibility of the system.

Keywords: face recognition, OpenCV, Adaboost, EligenFace, database

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1课题研究背景及意义 1

1.2本课题核心技术国内外研究现状 2

1.3本文的主要研究内容和结构安排 2

第二章 系统平台框架 4

2.1系统需求分析 4

2.1.1系统功能需求 4

2.1.2系统性能需求 5

2.2系统设计 5

2.2.1系统总体设计 5

2.2.2系统详细设计 6

2.3数据库设计 9

2.3.1注册信息表设计 9

2.3.2存取人脸图像的CSV文件 10

2.4关键技术分析 11

2.4.1OpenCV开源库 11

2.4.2MFC简介 11

第三章 系统实现 12

3.1系统算法选择 12

3.1.1人脸检测方法 12

3.1.2人脸识别方法 15

3.2系统主要功能的实现 17

3.2.1用户注册登录模块 17

3.2.2人脸图像采集模块 20

3.2.3人脸特征训练模块 22

3.2.4人脸识别比对模块 23

第四章 系统测试 25

4.1用户注册 25

4.2用户名密码登录 26

4.3人脸识别登录 27

第五章 总结和展望 28

5.1总结 28

5.2展望 28

参考文献 30

致谢 31

第一章 绪论




人脸识别技术属于交叉学科,包含了许多领域的知识,比如心理学、生物学等,具备很高的研究价值。许多研究机构开始重点研究此项技术,很多商业机构将人脸识别技术作为产品的主要卖点来吸引客户,谋取商业价值。由于受到成本与大众接受程度的限制,目前人脸识别技术主要被“困”在安防应用领域,比如智能交通、视频监控等。不过,近些年来随着IT企业对该项技术的关注,它的应用也逐渐从安防领域向IT企业延伸。例如,Android 4.0系统、三星Galaxy S3手机的人脸识别解锁功能、腾讯公司上线的人脸社交产品搜搜慧眼、google新专利“人脸识别登录计算机”、美国社交巨头脸谱(Facebook)的“KLIK”等。在早些时期,美国苹果公司也申请过一项近似google的专利,该项专利中涉及了人脸识别技术在信息获取方便的应用。此外,网易也推出了一款用脸部识别技术获取登录权限的邮箱。根据上文能够看出,作为一项新兴技术,人脸识别技术已经成为许多大型IT公司竞争的目标,生活化和大众化将是人脸识别技术应用发展的必然趋势,其中的商业价值和市场前景不言而喻。

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