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 2021-04-21 00:36:51  

摘 要

随着网络技术的飞速发展,对图像的使用呈爆炸式增长,如何对图像进行快速有效的检索与分类成为一个热门问题。本文是基于现今的词袋(Bag of Words,BOW)模型在场景图像分类中的应用,进行场景图像分类算法的研究与实现。





With the rapid development of network technology, the use of images has grown exponentially. How to quickly and efficiently retrieve and classify images has become a hot issue. This paper is based on the application of today's Bag of Words (BOW) model in scene image classification, and the research and implementation of scene image classification algorithm.

The application of BOW model in the image is to treat the image as a document and consist of multiple visual vocabularies. The visual vocabulary is transformed from image features. Then the frequency of visual vocabulary is counted to get the image representation. The BOW model is divided into training phase and test phase. The training phase clusters the feature vectors of the image to obtain the visual vocabulary. Then the training model is obtained through the classification training. The test model is used to predict the test picture in the test phase and the classification result is obtained.

In the BOW model, firstly, the SIFT feature extraction is performed on the training image, the visual vocabulary is clustered by the K-means clustering algorithm, and then the training model is obtained by the SVM classifier; the feature extraction is performed on the test image and input to In the training model, the classification result of the test pattern is obtained.

Key Words: Scene image classification;BOW model;SIFT feature extraction;K-means algorithm;SVM classifier

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究目的及意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.3 研究内容 2

1.4 论文章节安排 3

第2章 基于BOW模型的场景图像分类 4

2.1 BOW模型介绍 4

2.1.1 特征提取 5

2.1.2 图像表示 6

2.1.3 图像分类 6

2.2 BOW模型中关键技术 7

2.2.1 SIFT特征提取算法 7

2.2.2 K-means聚类算法 10

2.2.3 SVM分类器 10

第3章 整体方案设计与系统实现 12

3.1 系统平台简介 12

3.2 整体设计思路 12

3.3 系统实现方法 12

3.3.1 标准图库 12

3.3.2 VLFeat库 13

第4章 系统测试与结果分析 15

4.1 系统测试 15

4.2 结果分析 21

第5章 总结与展望 23

5.1总结 23

5.2展望 23

参考文献 24

致 谢 25

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究目的及意义


在图像处理中对场景图像的分类是一个重要的研究方向。 场景图像是对某个场景进行描述的图像,例如我们所常见的街道,高楼,厨房,卧室等图像。场景图像往往是由多个对象组成,且这些对象之间具有一定的关系。出现在同一类场景的对象基本相同,只是由于拍摄的远近、拍摄的角度等等不同而造成图像的不同。因此,同一类场景的多幅图像之间存在着很多相似性[1]。如何从多幅图像中区分出具有相似场景特征的图像,并正确地对这些图像进行分类,就是场景分类。



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