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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 电子信息类 > 通信工程 > 正文


 2021-03-25 22:51:25  

摘 要






ROSA is the optical receiver sub-assembly that is widely used in optical communication systems. During the testing and production process of ROSA, it is inevitably to plug the device frequently, and one of the most important process is the recognition of pin. In order to carry out the subsequent coupling process, it must identify the correct position of the pin. In this paper, I made a research about the design of the automatic identification algorithm and the software implementation, achieving the identification process automation automatically. It will not only improve the speed of ROSA production, but also ensure the product quality and improve the product stability.

Pin identification is an important step in the process of OSA automatic coupling welding. At present, the technology in Japan is already mature, and the FTD have studied it very well. In this paper, under the case of the domestic ROSA pin recognition, according to the gray characteristics of the ROSA device and the pin distribution characteristics, two algorithms are proposed, which are based on the gray level statistical characteristic of the pin recognition algorithm and the template matching algorithm. The focus of this topic is to identify and locate the CASE’s position, and the same difficulty is how to distinguish the CASE from the pins. These two algorithms are able to identify the CASE feet and calculate the rotation angle. In order to improve the accuracy of the adjustment angle and determine whether the pin is wrong, that the use of horizontal camera to capture the image information is proposed, which can accomplish this target. If the pin has not the appearance of error, then the number of the smallest enclosed rectangle should be three. The angle of the device can be fine-tuned according to the distance relationship between the three smallest enclosing rectangles.

In this paper, we propose three algorithms to locate the CASE and the algorithm to find the minimum enclosing rectangle for the vertical image. Finally, under the experimental results, it is decided to adopt the CASE pin localization algorithm based on template matching to calculate the rotation angle. The algorithm calculates the rotation angle is more accurate and the algorithm is faster. The algorithm can recognize the CASE in 40ms. The relative processing of the vertical image information can identify the minimum enclosing rectangle and determine whether there is a pin fault and the direction of the angle trimming.

Key Words: ROSA; pin recognition; gray statistics; template matching; mini enclosing rectangle

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1课题研究背景与意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状及发展趋势 2

1.3本文主要研究内容与组织结构 2

第2章 ROSA管脚识别算法参数需求与系统方案设计 4

2.1算法参数指标 4

2.2系统方案设计 4

第3章ROSA管脚自动识别算法的设计 7

3.1基于灰度统计特性的管脚定位算法 7

3.1.1 基于灰度统计特性的管脚定位算法原理 7

3.1.2 基于灰度统计特性的ROSA管脚定位算法流程 10

3.1.3基于灰度统计特性的管脚定位算法优缺点 11

3.2基于模板匹配的CASE脚定位算法 11

3.2.1基于模板匹配的CASE脚定位算法原理 12

3.2.2基于模板匹配CASE脚定位算法流程 14

3.2.3基于模板匹配CASE脚定位算法优缺点 15

3.3角度微调算法 15

3.3.1角度微调算法原理 16

3.3.2角度微调算法流程 17

3.3.3角度微调优缺点 18

3.4本章小结 19

第4章 ROSA管脚自动识别算法的测试与分析 20

4.1CASE脚定位算法的测试与分析 20

4.1.1 基于灰度统计特性算法测试与分析 20

4.1.2 基于模板匹配算法测试与分析 21

4.2角度微调算法的测试与分析 22

4.3本章小结 24

第5章 总结与展望 25

5.1论文总结 25

5.2工作展望 25

参考文献 26

致谢 28

第1章 绪论



无论在 ROSA器件的生产或者是测试的过程中经常需要将器件抓取,并且上到座子中。这种过程在目前大多只停留在人工的阶段,如果能够实现以上过程的自动化,那么就能实现ROSA器件的生产、测试过程的自动化。这将大大降低ROSA器件生产的成本,产品的质量得到保证,稳定性也会有所提高。


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