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 2021-03-21 22:43:02  

摘 要

经验模式分解(Empirical mode decomposition,EMD)是一种新的、与以前的信号分析处理方法如傅立叶变换等有根本性的区别的一种针对于非线性、非平稳信号的信号处理分析方法,此方法可对信号进行多尺度分解,具有自适应性和时间频率局部特性。

本文首先叙述了时频分析的发展历程,然后详细介绍了EMD的分解算法,对内在模式函数(Intrinsic mode function,IMF)的含义作出了详细的解释,列出了详细的分解过程,分析了EMD的各个算法特点,并说明了EMD分解算法的需要改进的问题。接着简单介绍了同态滤波的算法原理。




Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) is a new signal processing analysis method proposed by Huang in 1998 for nonlinear and nonstationary signals. It is fundamentally different from traditional Fourier transform of signal analysis and processing methods.EMD can be multi-scale decomposition of the signal and it’s a self-adaptive and time-frequency local characteristics of the signal analysis method.This paper first describes the development process of time-frequency analysis, and then introduces the decomposition algorithm of EMD in detail and explains the meaning of IMF in detail, then lists the detailed decomposition process and analyzes the characteristics of EMD.The problem of improvement of EMD decomposition algorithm is illustrated.Then the principle of homomorphic filtering is briefly introduced.This paper focuses on the realization of the multiplicative noise filtering method based on the empirical mode decomposition. This paper focuses on the realization of the multiplicative noise filtering method based on the empirical mode decomposition. The noise removal effect of EMD on multiplicative noise and additive noise filtering is compared by constructing the simulation signal.The simulation signal, that is,the multiplication or the addition of the sinusoidal signal to the Gaussian white noise.And then compare the EMD and homomorphic filtering method to remove the multiplicative noise removal effect. This paper also verifies the feasibility of the empirical mode decomposition method for filtering the multiplicative noise.

Key words: empirical mode decomposition (EMD), intrinsic mode function (IMF), homomorphic filtering, multiplicative noise

目 录

摘要 I


第1章 绪论 1

1.1 课题研究目的及意义 1

1.2 经验模式分解的国内外研究现状 1

1.3 本文研究的内容及主要工作 2

第2章 经验模式分解与同态滤波的原理 4

2.1 经验模式分解法的原理分析与研究 4

2.1.1 时频分析的发展进程 4

2.1.2 经验模式分解的算法描述 5

2.1.3 经验模式分解算法的性质 8

2.1.4 经验模式分解算法常见问题和研究热点 11

2.2 同态滤波法基本原理 13

2.2.1广义叠加原理 13

2.2.2乘性噪声消除的同态变换 14

第3章 两种算法去噪的设计与分析 15

3.1 经验模式分解法滤除乘性噪声 15

3.1.1 经验模式分解处理相加的正弦信号和高斯白噪声 15

3.1.2 经验模式分解处理相乘的正弦信号和高斯白噪声 17

3.1.3 对比经验模式分解法滤除加性噪声与乘性噪声的去噪效果 19

3.2 同态滤波法滤除乘性噪声 20

3.2.1 同态滤波的流程设计 20

3.2.2 仿真结果及分析 20

3.2.3 同态滤波法的去噪效果 23

3.3 对比经验模式分解法和同态法的去噪效果 23

第4章 总结与展望 24

4.1 论文工作总结 24

4.2 未来研究工作展望 24

参考文献 26

附录A 28

附录B 30

致谢 32

第1章 绪论

1.1 课题研究目的及意义



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