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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 电子信息类 > 通信工程 > 正文


 2021-03-21 00:50:24  

摘 要






Nowadays, people's expectations for cars are more than their quality and performance. The key technology of the automotive industry in the new era is to realize effective communication between the mobile cars. As an important part of the wireless self-organizing network, VANET has solved the problems of the automobile mobile communication brought by the new generation automobile revolution. VANET is a distributed, self-organizing communication network based on mobile vehicles. Therefore, the movements of vehicle nodes are limited not only by roads and obstacles, but also by moving speed. Because of the particularity of VANET, it is needed to do more suitable research for automotive environment in the wireless network technology’s research process. So that ordinary communicational protocol does not apply to VANET, the use of computer simulation to test and evaluate the various layers protocol of VANET is widely used research methods. VANET simulation technology also brings a lot of challenges, for example, finding a correct definition of mobile model for the vehicle environment to provide a feasible description of the node movement in each level of the simulation.

At the beginning of the article, several common moving models are introduced. Based on the different characteristics of each model, the mobile models are divided into two categories: stochastic mobile model and limited mobile model. In the stochastic mobile model, the mobile node is free to move within the simulation area and is not subject to any restriction. But in the real scene, the movement of the nodes is not completely random. The process of moving will be subject to environmental conditions, such as streets and obstacles and so on. Then we introduce a mobile limited model that is closer to the real scene. In this paper, we mainly refer to the Manhattan model. In this model, the vehicle nodes are constrained by the street map, and even the speed of the front of the vehicle on the same road .

Later, it introduces the network simulation tool, NS2 software, and describes the simulatio- n process in NS2. It can provide us various layers of the agreement between VANET commun- ication and can simulate to evaluate the performance of the routing protocol. The simulation experiments shows that the use of different mobile models, the results of same routing protocol performance simulation will be different. Therefore, during the assessment of the performance of the routing protocol in the vehicle network environment, mobile model should be selected more in line with the real vehicle environment in order to get a reliable assessment results. And at the end of the article, I put forward to the prospect of vehicle communication technology and its mobile model.

Key Words:VANET;mobile model;network simulation;NS2

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景以及意义 1

1.2 国内外的研究现状 2

1.3 本文的研究内容及章节安排 3

第2章 车载自组织网络移动模型综述 4

2.1 随机漫步模型 4

2.2 随机路点(Random Waypoint,RWP)模型 5

2.3 随机方向(Random Direction,RD)模型 5

2.4 曼哈顿移动模型(Manhattan Mobility Model) 5

2.5 本章总结 6

第3章 网络仿真设计 7

3.1 网络仿真工具介绍及对比分析 7

3.2 仿真设计流程 8

3.3移动模型场景 9

3.4 移动模型性能结果分析 13

3.4.1 移动模型数据处理GAWK 14

3.4.2 gnuplot绘图及结果分析 14

3.5 本章小结 16

第4章 总结与展望 18

4.1 本文总结 18

4.2 研究展望 18

参考文献 20

致 谢 21

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景以及意义


现代社会的大都市里每天都可以见到在上下班高峰期里由于车辆过多而造成道路堵塞,在这种背景下,车载自组织网络也引起了越来越多业界人士们的关注和兴趣。这样一个车辆通信的解决方案有望引发下一个前沿的汽车革命和下一代智能交通系统(ITSs)发展的关键。此外,车辆通信也是新兴的车联网(IoV)的基石[1]。VANET(Vehicular Ad-hoc NETwork)是移动自组织网在道路交通领域上的扩展,也可以说是移动自组织网的一个分支。车载自组织网络利用无线通信技术,将车辆和基站视作结点进行相互间的通信,是保障交通道路安全的重要技术,可以应用在道路上车载行驶安全和车载娱乐应用等。

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