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 2021-03-08 23:29:25  

摘 要





(3)利用Matlab对建立的网络模型进行仿真,分析了网络中度与度分布、平均路径长度等参数。最后,利用节点评判法和节点删 除法对制造服务网络的重要节点进行挖掘,得出了正确的结论。



  With the development of industry, the manufacturing service mode is gradually replacing the traditional manufacturing in China. In practical production, the different stages of product life cycle (such as product design, manufacturing, maintenance, etc.) contains a large number of various manufacturing services, how to integrate different types of manufacturing services in dispersive regions effectively and eliminate the waste and conflict between them is one of focuses in current industrial research. In this paper, after analyzing complex network and manufacturing service characteristics, a manufacturing resource service network model is constructed based on complex network theories. Through analyzing the node characteristics of manufacturing service network, an important node mining method is applied to discover the key services in the proposed network model, which contributes to the configuration and utilization of collaborative production.

  The main works of this paper are as follows:

(1) Analyzing and simulating several basic models in complex network, such as ER random network model, WS small world network model and BA scaleless Degree network; Comparing these models’ characteristics and their statistic parameters, which are node degree and degree distribution, aggregation coefficient, average path length and other parameters; Studying the node evaluation method and node deletion method in order to mine important nodes of complex network.

(2) Building a manufacturing service network model based on complex network. BA scaleless Degree network is used to construct the manufacturing service network after analyzing the concept and characteristics of manufacturing service network. A mathematical description is defined to express the constructed model..

(3) Simulating the constructed manufacturing service network by Matlab, and analyzing the parameters such as moderate degree of degree distribution and average path length. Based on this, excavating the important nodes by the method of node deletion and node judging, and the correct conclusion is drawn.

Key words: complex network, manufacturing service network, important node mining, aggregation coefficient


第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究的目的以及意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.2.1 制造服务网络的研究现状 1

1.2.2 复杂网络的研究现状 2

1.3 论文内容安排 2

第二章 复杂网络及制造服务网络理论基础 4

2.1 制造服务网络及其特性 4

2.1.1 制造服务网络的概念 4

2.1.2 制造服务网络的属性及特点 4

2.2 复杂网络基本理论 4

2.2.1 复杂网络的定义及统计特性 4

2.2.2 复杂网络的基本模型 7

2.3复杂网络重要节点挖掘方法 14

2.3.1 节点评判法 15

2.3.2 节点删除法 15

第三章 制造服务网络建模及仿真分析 16

3.1 制造服务网络的建模 16

3.2 制造服务网络参数分析 17

3.3 制造服务网络重要节点挖掘 19

第四章 总结与展望 20

4.1 总结 20

4.2 展望 20

参考文献 22

致谢 23

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究的目的以及意义

随着时代的发展以及科技的进步,现代制造服务业[1]已与传统制造业有了很大的区别。从上个世纪五十年代以来,随着经济全球化的不断深入,以及发展制造业造成的环境污染且利润低微等问题,使得发达国家不断将低端制造产业向第三世界国家迁移。这些发达国家通过提供物流、研发、设计等制造业所需的服务来攫取高额利润。这种模式发展到今天,已经形成了现代制造服务业这一概念。现代制造服务业包含的内容十分庞大,小到原材料的采购、加工、装配、检测、包装,大到产品的研发、设计、销售、物流等诸多方面都是制造服务业的范畴。 现今,我国经济快速发展,发继续展低端的制造业既污染环境也不符合我国国情,因此发展制造服务业已经成为目前我国制造业的发展趋势,这也使得本文对于制造业所构成的制造服务网络的研究更具有实际的意义。


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