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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 电子信息类 > 通信工程 > 正文


 2021-03-08 23:27:42  

摘 要








With the development of the times, the frequent occurrence of natural disasters, the loss of citizens suffered more and more, the government's work more complex, the traditional emergency command system more rigid, requires a lot of manpower and material resources, and asked people to stay in a fixed office space, However, with the popularity of mobile devices, people can be anywhere in the business, send messages, to pass. Modern enterprises are popular with the workflow management system to handle business, so you can greatly reduce the workload.

The workflow engine system can improve the processing speed of the emergency system and coordinate the work of the relevant departments, which can greatly improve the efficiency of emergency command.

With the development of society, business needs may continue to change, if the traditional encoding, once the demand changes, it is necessary to modify a lot of code, which will greatly increase the system maintenance costs.

The Activiti workflow engine framework is a good way to separate business logic from page layout, with good high cohesion and low coupling properties. The activiti workflow engine provides an external form that dynamically responds to changes in demand, so that once the requirements change, the code does not need to be modified much.

This article mainly introduces the activiti workflow system from both theoretical and practical aspects. The main aspects of the activiti workflow basic framework and the activationiti workflow engine provide the role of 23 database tables. In practice, it mainly introduces the process of software project implementation, including demand analysis, summary design, project practice, system testing and so on.

Keywords:activiti;Mobile workflow;Emergency Command


摘 要 I

I 绪论 1

1.1 论文研究背景与意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.3 本文研究内容 4

1.4 论文组织结构 5

II 关键技术理论 6

2.1 Android平台概述 6

2.2 Android Studio工具 7

2.3 工作流技术 7

2.4 业务流程标记建模语言(BPMN2.0) 8

2.5 actiiti工作流技术 8

2.6 S2SH框架 9

2.7 本章小结 10

III 需求分析和概要设计 11

3.1 需求分析 11

3.1.1 可行性分析 11

3.1.2 平台逻辑结构 11

3.1.3 系统功能概述 12

3.1.4 功能需求分析 12

3.1.5 非功能性需求 18

3.2 概要设计 19

3.2.1 功能划分 19

3.2.2 模块分析 19

3.2.3 数据库设计 21

3.3 本章小结 22

IV 应急指挥系统的具体实现 23

4.1 系统开发环境和工具 23

4.2 activiti工作流的实现 23

4.2.1 activiti与spring的集成 23

4.2.2 业务流程图bpmn2.0的实现 23

4.2.3 外置表单的实现 24

4.2.4 Activiti工作流与业务逻辑交互 24

4.3 android客户端应用 24

4.3.2 报文推送 25

4.3.3 任务指令 26

4.4 工作流服务器端应用 26

4.4.1 数据处理服务 26

4.4.2 工作流设计服务 27

4.5 本章小结 27

V 系统测试 28

5.1 Android用户测试 28

5.2 测试结果 28

VI 总结和展望 29

6.1 总结 29

6.2 展望 29

参考文献 30

致 谢 31

I 绪论

1.1 论文研究背景与意义




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