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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 电子信息类 > 光电信息科学与工程 > 正文


 2021-03-23 22:15:42  

摘 要






In this paper, we have studied the bi-grating diffraction imaging and the effect of bi-grating combination in imaging and measurement. This paper first proposes the role of grating, in addition to what we often say that the spectroscopic effect, there are not often known to the spectral combination characteristics of grating. The direct application of these two effects is the bi-grating diffraction imaging, that is, different wavelengths of the luminous objects will formate spectrum at all levels after these light through the first grating. Making one of the spectrum into the second grating, to meet certain conditions , the spectrum will be integrated, and the dispersed light beams will be combined to form the image. These necessary conditions which are related to the two gratings’ spatial frequencies, diffraction orders and positions necessary for obtaining the bi-grating diffraction imaging are formed to one equation, dual grating imaging equation.

Then, the dual grating imaging is analyzed from two different angles. The double grating imaging equation is derived and its position is measured from the experimental point of view to observe the characteristics of the image. Finally, we explain the horizontal offset of the image position, so that we can be more clearly about the relationship between object and image.

The results show that the luminescent object is completely diffused by bi-grating diffraction, and the required condition is dual grating imaging equation.

This paper is characterized by the systematic analysis of the origin of the dual grating imaging equation, which make us more clearly understand the origin of the equation and the role of the two grating in the system, more clear our own research object.

Key Words:Bi-grating imaging; Dual grating imaging equation; Horizontal offset of the image position

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 目的及意义 1

1.2 论文主要内容 2

第2章 光栅特性 3

2.1 传统的分光特性 3

2.2 汇光谱特性 4

第3章 双光栅成像方程 5

3.1 双光栅成像效应 5

3.2 双光栅成像方程 6

3.2.1 菲涅耳衍射分析 6

3.2.3 虚点光源的位置分析 9

第4章 双光栅系统的成像与测量 14

4.1 光路的搭建 14

4.2 成像与测量 15

4.2.1 100线/mm和600线/mm组合 15

4.2.2 300线/mm和600线/mm组合 18

4.2.3 50线/mm和600线/mm组合 20

第5章 物像位置的横向偏移 22

5.1 实验现象 22

5.2 理论分析 23

第6章 结论 24

参考文献 25

致 谢 26

第1章 绪论


双光栅成像效应是指物体经过两个光栅后形成与原物相同的像,前一个光栅应用了光栅的分光效应,后一个光栅应用了光栅的汇光谱效应,其实质我们可以看成是物体信息的“调制”与“解调”,物体的信息经过第一个光栅衍射,对其进行了调制,在满足一定的条件下,第二个光栅对信息进行解调,还原出物像的信息。为了保证前一个光栅仅一个光谱进入第二个光栅,加入了挡光板 ,这实际上是实现了绕道传递图像,可以应用于前方目标有障碍的场合。

1.1 目的及意义


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