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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 电子信息类 > 电子科学与技术 > 正文


 2021-03-17 21:13:17  

摘 要






With the progress of society, people's desire for green travel more and more intense, go out to play or work more to choose the bus, subway, walking, cycling and other ways. Bicycle,which is the choice of most people. It is particularly important to design a speed system that can test the speed and distance of bicycles today as the sharing bicycles full of our city. Bicycle speed system allows the driver to better observe the current state of the bike driving and improve driving safety.

The purpose of this paper is to design a system that can test the speed of cycling and the speed of the bike that travels the total distance and perform voice and light alarm when the speed reaches the set value. In this system, the use of Hall sensors for speed and sent to the STC89C52RC microcontroller for processing to calculate the speed and travel distance, after processing through the LCD1602 display. The mileage data will be stored in the AT24C02 chip to ensure that the user can accumulate the last walking distance when the system is powered down.

The main modules of this design include the microcontroller module, the display module, the test speed module, the key module and the overspeed alarm module. One of the microcontroller module, test speed module and display module of the entire system design core, three modules together constitute the core function, to achieve the speed and distance of the test and display. This design overcomes the shortcomings of the previous mechanical speed system, but also to enhance the safety of the driving process has played a very significant role, the price is very low, easy to operate.

Key Words:Hall Sensor;Single-Chip Microcontroller;LCD1602;Measurement;

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景、目的及意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.3 基本内容和预期目标 3

1.4 小结 3

第2章 方案选择与论证 4

2.1 主控芯片选择 4

2.2 霍尔传感器型号的选择 4

2.3 测速方式的选择 5

2.4 语音芯片的选择 5

2.5 小结 6

第3章 硬件方案设计 7

3.1 概述 7

3.2 单片机的原理 7

3.3 霍尔传感器及其测速原理 9

3.3.1 霍尔传感器 9

3.3.2 测速原理 10

3.4 数据存储电路 10

3.5 按键电路 11

3.6 显示电路 12

3.7 报警电路 13

3.7.1 光报警电路 13

3.7.2 语音报警电路 13

3.8 整体硬件电路 13

3.9 小结 14

第4章 软件设计 15

4.1 概述 15

4.2 Keil uVision 15

4.3 总体程序设计 15

4.4 速度路程计算模块 16

4.5 LCD1602显示模块 17

4.6 模式判断 18

4.7 报警程序 19

4.8 小结 19

第5章 仿真及调试 20

5.1 Proteus 20

5.2 Proteus仿真 20

5.2.1 系统原理图 20

5.2.2 整体仿真 21

5.2.3 功能切换仿真 22

5.2.4 超速报警仿真 23

5.3 实物焊接及调试 24

5.4 小结 25

第6章 总结与展望 26

参考文献 27

附件1 整体电路图 28

附件2 程序 29

致谢 39

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景、目的及意义




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