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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 电子信息类 > 电子信息科学与技术 > 正文


 2021-11-06 20:14:08  

摘 要





Optical tweezers are a new type of optical capture technology that uses the force of the light beam to generate momentum transfer to the particles to achieve non-contact manipulation of particles. It has a very important role in the fields of biology, optoelectronics science and so on. Generally, the optical tweezers technique uses the gradient force generated by the laser micro-beam to the particles to capture the dielectric biological cells or metal particles. As the application field of optical tweezers technology becomes more and more extensive, there are more and more types of optical tweezers. Various optical tweezers have different requirements and show different capture characteristics. Among them, inverted microscopic optical tweezers and single-fiber optical tweezers are two common optical tweezers. The optical tweezers required for optical capture of particles with different characteristics are also different. Therefore, understanding the capture characteristics and application scope of various optical tweezers is very important for the work related to optical capture of particles.

This paper mainly introduces the capture mechanism of the optical tweezers system and the theoretical model of the light trap force on the particles in the Mie scattering area based on the ray optics theory, and describes the characteristics and scope of application of the inverted microscopic optical tweezers and single fiber optical tweezers. By comparing the numerical simulation results, the similarities and differences of the capture capabilities of the two optical tweezers when capturing particles under specific system parameters are analyzed.

Key Words:Optical tweezers;Optical trapping force;Micro-beam laser;Micromanipulation

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 光镊技术研究背景 1

1.2 光镊技术研究目的与意义 3

1.3 本文主要研究内容 4

第2章 光镊工作原理 5

2.1 光镊光学的基本原理 5

2.1.1 光辐射压力 5

2.1.2 梯度力和散射力 5

2.1.3 基于激光微束的三维光学势阱 6

2.2 光镊的分类 7

2.2.1 倒置显微式光镊 8

2.2.2 单光纤光镊 9

2.3 光阱力理论模型 10

2.3.1 射线光学模型 10

2.3.2 流体力学法 13

第3章 倒置显微式光镊与单光纤光镊的比较 14

3.1 倒置显微式光镊对粒子的捕获 14

3.2 单光纤光镊对粒子的捕获 16

3.3 倒置显微式光镊与单光纤光镊捕获能力对比 18

第4章 总结 20

参考文献 22

致 谢 24

第1章 绪论

随着上世纪60年代第一个红宝石激光器的诞生,激光技术已经发展为一个十分热门且又前沿的光学学科,其中基于激光微束光阱效应的光镊技术已被认为是光学微操控研究中的有力工具。顾名思义,光镊技术是将激光微束作为一种“光学镊子”任意夹取一个粒子对其扫描,并进一步研究粒子基本结构与规律的技术。目前,光镊技术已经得到了世界各地研究人员和学者们的广泛关注,这一技术在生物科学、物理学和 光电子学科等众多领域都得到了深远的发展。随着对粒子操控等相关应用的需求日益提高,对光镊技术的研究也成为了科研人员和学者们的热门话题。

1.1 光镊技术研究背景



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