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 2021-05-18 23:47:54  

摘 要


本文在简要介绍JPEG图像压缩系统的基础上,充分研究了其算法原理,将其细分为彩色空间转换、DCT变换、量化、Zigzag扫描、熵编码五大模块,完成了对其基于Quartus II平台的Verilog HDL语言编码设计,并分别在Quartus II内部进行了RTL级仿真及在modelsim平台进行了波形仿真,其中数据的输入由激励文件单独加载入系统,且包含了一部分结果对比函数,对系统部分输出的查验可直接在modelsim状态栏中读出,各性能指标均达到预期的基本要求。




With the development of computer, communication and multimedia technology, image is used more and more widely, the importance of image processing compression encoding technology has been increasingly prominent, the JPEG static image launched by the international organization for standardization compression standard is used the earliest and most widely.

Based on the brief introduction of the JPEG image compression system, this paper studies the principle of the image compression system, and it is divided into five modules: color space conversion, DCT transform, quantization, Zigzag scan and entropy coding.This paper completed coding design based on Verilog HDL language of Quartus II platform, and the RTL simulation is carried out in the Quartus II platform and waveform simulation is carried out in the modelsim platform, including data input by the incentive file loaded into the system alone, and contains a part of the function. he results of the system output part inspection can be read directly in the modelsim status bar, and the basic requirements of various performance indexes reach the expected.

This topic of JPEG encoder algorithm without the innovation and improvement, but the algorithm simulation, the design of the system has the certain reference value to other compression codec design and the realization of the hardware platform.

Key words:JPEG;algorithm;simulation;image compression


摘要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 课题研究的背景及意义 1

1.2 图像压缩的技术可行性 1

1.3 国内外研究现状 1

1.4 设计与仿真平台 2

1.5 课题主要工作及文章结构 2

第2章 图像压缩编码技术及JPEG原理 4

2.1 图像压缩编码基本原理 4

2.2 几种较先进的压缩技术 4

2.3 JPEG标准基本原理 6

2.3.1 色彩空间转换与图像分块 7

2.3.2 DCT处理 8

2.3.3 系数量化 8

2.3.4 zig-zag扫描与AC、DC系数处理 10

2.3.5 熵编码 10

2.4 Verilog HDL基本设计思想 13

2.4.1 自顶向下设计思想 13

2.4.2 流水线设计思想 14

第3章 JPEG编码器算法设计与仿真 16

3.1颜色空间转换模块 16

3.2 DCT与Z形扫描模块 17

3.2.1 结构设计与原理图 17

3.2.2 仿真结果分析 22

3.3 量化模块 24

3.3.1 结构设计与原理图 24

3.3.2 量化模块仿真 25

3.4 行程编码模块 26

3.4.1 结构设计与原理图 26

3.4.2 行程编码模块仿真结果 27

3.5 熵编码模块 28

第4章总结与展望 30

4.1 本文的工作总结 30

4.2 展望 30

参考文献 31

致谢 32

第1章 绪论

1.1 课题研究的背景及意义



1.2 图像压缩的技术可行性



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