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 2021-05-06 12:58:43  

摘 要


本文根据太赫兹在大气中传输的氧衰和雨衰特性,选择300 GHz作为太赫兹天线的谐振中心频点,具体地,本文主要研究内容、结论及创新点可归纳如下:



(3)通过对多开口环的联合调谐方法研究,使双开口、三开口、四开口谐振环天线都达到了良好的匹配。从而确定了一款性能较优的三开口谐振环太赫兹天线,其谐振频率为300 GHz,对应的回波损耗为-30.6 dB,工作带宽高达35 GHz。此外,天线的增益从原始的2.8 dB增加到3.214 dB。

(4)提出了一种新型的阵列式双面多谐振环太赫兹天线结构。将优化设计好的单个天线组成2×2的阵列,使天线面积成倍的增加,从而可以吸收更多的电磁波。探讨了以多谐振环作为基本单元的超材料对太赫兹波的吸收特性,发现其在269 GHz处存在谐振点。



Terahertz system have immeasurable application in the field of communication technology, security technology and imaging technology, THz antenna as a key transmitting and receiving device for different systems which using terahertz band to communicate or transfer data and detect, is currently in the laboratory research stage. Design a novel structure and study its characteristics has a certain practical, and for the future implementation of a terahertz communication system also has a certain reference value. Recent studies show that the split-ring resonators is often used in the composition of the metamaterials, and scholars have proved it has good terahertz transmission properties, but few people have study its performance as a THz antenna structure in detail. In this paper, we select the multiple split-ring resonators as the basic unit of the antenna, and a new type of double sided multi split ring (array) terahertz antenna is designed. The relationship between structure parameters and the resonant frequency of the antenna is discussed from two ways, the quasi-static model and the numerical calculation of full wave electromagnetic field.

According to the transmission characteristics of terahertz in the atmosphere, this paper chose 300 GHz antenna as the object of study. The main research and innovation contents include:

(1)Analysis of the influence on the performance of antenna, which is made by the structure parameters of MSRRs. By comparing the simulation results, it’s found that the resonant frequency of the antenna decreases with the decreases of the width of the ring or gap, and increases with the decreases of the number of rings. And the gain of the antenna increases with the increase of it.

(2)Quasi static model of MSRRs. The results show that the result quasi static model to calculate the relationship between widths is similar to the electromagnetic wave simulation result, but the result of the number of rings is on the contrary.

(3)Impedance matching of antenna. Eventually make double and third, four split-ring resonator antennas all have reached a good matching. Based on above analysis identified a performance advantages of the third opening ring resonant terahertz antenna structure and the resonant frequency is 300 GHz, corresponding to a return loss for -30.6 dB, the bandwidth is 35. In addition, the gain of the antenna is increased from the original 2.8 dB to 3.214 dB.

(4)Design of array antenna. Composing the proposed antenna to a antenna array, so that the area of antenna increased exponentially, and more electromagnetic waves can be absorbed. Investigated the absorption properties of the metamaterials , which is composed with multiple split-ring resonators, and find there is a resonance point at 269 GHz.

Key words: Terahertz; antenna; MSRRs; array antenna; metamaterials

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.2 国内外研究背景及现状 2

1.2.1 太赫兹波传输特性 2

1.2.2 太赫兹天线发展现状 3

1.3 本文的主要研究内容及章节安排 3

第2章 开口谐振环(SRRs)太赫兹天线原理 6

2.1 一般天线的性能描述参数 6

2.1.1 方向系数和增益 6

2.1.2 方向图与波瓣图 7

2.1.3 反射系数与电压驻波比 7

2.1.4 特性阻抗与输入阻抗 8

2.1.5 工作宽带 8

2.2 开口谐振环(SRRs)设计参数对太赫兹传输特性的影响 9

2.3 多开口谐振环(MSRRs)的准静态分析模型 9

2.3.1 多开口谐振环(MSRRs)等效电路分析 10

2.3.2 印刷MSRRs等效电路 12

2.4 开口谐振环(SRRs)天线的电磁场仿真计算 13

2.4.1 文献结构模型建立与求解 14

2.4.2 原尺寸验证与对比分析 17

2.4.3 缩尺有效性验证 17

2.5 本章小结 18

第3章 双面多开口谐振环太赫兹天线优化设计 19

3.1 天线频率选择 19

3.2 模型建立 19

3.3 结构参数对天线性能的影响 20

3.3.1 缝隙宽度对天线性能的影响 21

3.3.2 环宽对天线性能的影响 22

3.3.3 环间间隙宽度对天线谐振频率的影响 24

3.3.4 环数对天线性能的影响 25

3.4 优化天线设计 26

3.4.1 微带馈线调节 26

3.4.2 MSRRs结构参数选择 28

3.4.3 结果分析 29

3.5 本章小结 31

第4章 组阵及超材料应用 32

4.1 阵列天线 32

4.1.1 阵列天线设计与求解 32

4.1.2 结果分析 33

4.2 超材料应用 34

4.2.1 超材料模型建立与求解 34

4.2.2 结果分析 35

4.3 本章小结 36

第5章 总结与展望 37

5.1 总结 37

5.2 展望 38

参考文献 39

附 录 41

致 谢 43

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景及意义

通常来讲,太赫兹波是指频率在100 GHz - 10 THz之间的电磁波,该频段介于毫米波与红外波之间,与远红外波段相重叠。自1974年,弗莱明(Fleming)提出“Terahertz”一词之后,相当长的一段时间里,人们对太赫兹的探索十分有限,出现了“太赫兹空白”的说法,意指该波段是电磁波谱上最后一块未开发的前沿。除此之外,太赫兹射线有许多自身的特点[1],例如:黑体温度低,瞬时带宽很宽,脉冲典型脉宽在皮秒量级,具有很高的时间和空间相干性等。因此,近二十年来,对太赫兹的研究日益上升,它在物理学、化学、生物医学、天文学材料科学等方面的应用也越来越突出。特别是在射电天文、生物医学、安全检测、环境监测、成像技术、无线通信和军用雷达等方面都极具科学价值和应用前景[2]。2004年,美国政府把太赫兹科技评为“改变未来世界的十大技术之一”,2005年,日本将其列为“国家支柱十大重点战略目标”之首。2005年,我国政府召开“香山科技会议”,制定了我国太赫兹技术的发展规划。


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