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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 电子信息类 > 电子信息工程 > 正文


 2022-03-31 20:45:00  


摘 要


关键词:STC89C52 LCD1602显示屏 脉搏及体温

Design of pulse signal acquisition system based on SCM


With the development of science and technology, the way of people life has changed a lot, for their own health more and more attention, among which the most direct response to human health is pulse and temperature.This article is to design a small portable temperature measuring instrument for measuring the pulse and accurate, which can be in daily life convenient to understand their health conditions.This design method mainly uses STC89C52 as the main control chip, the realization of human-computer interaction based on sensor and key, through 1602 LCD data output at the same time, additional configuration of the buzzer alarm system can realize pulse abnormal reminder. In the design, focusing on analysis of the efficient processing, flexible configuration, low energy consumption of STC89C52 chip can be powerful advantage of programming system as the main control chip, as a user interface to achieve the convenience of human-computer interaction of the sensor and the key, and additional alarm function of practicality.In this paper, the design of the system is based on the combination of software and hardware debugging, the main body of the text is divided into two parts, the hardware configuration and software design.In the hardware part, the realization principle of each module, device selection and parameter configuration are demonstrated in detail, and the realization of the system function, the control method and the algorithm flow of the system are analyzed in detail. Introduction of the design of the whole system to STC STC89C52 chip can be programming system as the center, through the sensor to collect the user's pulse and temperature information, after amplifying and filtering processes into the microcontroller, and displaying in the LCD1602 display.Thanks to the STC89C52 control of high speed processing ability and excellent energy consumption, so that the system designed in this paper can fast pulse and temperature acquisition for the user, to facilitate the understanding of their own health.

Key Words: STC89C52; 1602 LCD display; Pulse and temperature

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract Ⅱ

第一章 引 言 1

1.1 设计简介 1

1.2 设计内容 1

1.2.1 设计背景 1

1.2.2 芯片选型 1

1.2.3 硬件设计 2

1.2.4 软件设计 2

1.2.5电路调试与测试 2

1.3 论文结构 2

第二章 方案论证 4

2.1单片机模块的选型与论证 4

2.2显示模块的选型和论证 4

2.3脉搏传感器的选型和论证 5

2.4体温传感器的选型和论证 5

第三章 硬件设计 6

3.1 系统总体设计 6

3.2 单片机控制模块设计 6

3.2.1 单片机控制模块介绍 6

3.2.2 单片机最小系统设计 8

3.3 蜂鸣器报警模块设计 8

3.4 显示器模块设计 9

3.4.1液晶芯片简介 9

3.4.2 液晶显示部分与STC89C52的接口设计 9

3.5脉搏采集电路设计 10

3.5.1脉搏传感器简介 11

3.5.2 滤波电路 11

3.5.3放大整形电路 12

3.6 温度采集电路设计 12

3.6.1 体温传感器简介 12

3.6.2 DS18B20与单片机的串口通信 13

第四章 软件设计及仿真 14

4.1 软件设计 14

4.1.1 软件主流程 14

4.1.2 脉搏采集流程 14

4.1.3 温度传感器初始化 15

4.1.4 液晶显示流程 15

4.2 系统仿真 17

4.2.1 仿真环境介绍 17

4.2.2 电路仿真过程 17

4.2.3 电路仿真过程 18

第五章 系统调试 19

5.1硬件调试 19

5.2软件调试 19

5.3调试结果 20

5.4结论与展望 21

总结 22

参考文献 23

附录 25


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