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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 电子信息类 > 电子信息工程 > 正文


 2022-03-24 22:02:45  


摘 要


关键词:声控 ,光控 ,感应 ,延时 ,节能


With the development of electronic technology and digital technology, using these technologies to achieve light automatic switching, energy-saving power and prolonging lamp life becoming more and more important, and increasingly closer to our real life. Independent sensor circuit has become indispensable in daily life products, it does not need to switch manually, when someone through induction will take the initiative to work is commonly used in the corridor, hallway, guest houses and other public places,, bringing great convenience to people's lives. Therefore, a wide range of applications. The content of this project is to design a sound sensors and electro-optic infrared sensor control delay switch circuit of energy-saving lamps. Sound and light sensor circuit is sound and light control circuit for intelligent switches. The circuit consists of a power supply circuit, voice control circuits, light control and time delay control circuits and other components, it not only widely used in the hallway, storeroom, and so on, and easy to use, free from worry. Issued at the mobile voice or when the sensor circuit sensor to infrared, hallway lights automatically, lights, when people in and out of the building or out of the apartment door, the corridor lights lights lights automatically after a few minutes. After all, if only the voice circuits, conditions such as when people stand still is unable to trigger the light source for lighting. Similarly, if only the photoelectric sensor, sensor sensitivity and circuit delay and not be able to trigger the light source lighting, to sum up, combine sound and light control is the most applicable.

Key words:sound control,light-dependent control,reaction,time-delay,energy conservation

目 录

摘要 I


第一章 绪论 1

1.1课题研究的背景和意义 1

1.1.1概述 1

1.1.2发展前景分析 1

1.2课题研究的主要内容 2

第二章 感应节能灯系统的主要功能和方案设计 3

2.1设计方案和主要功能 3

2.1.1节能灯系统的设计方案 3

2.1.2节能灯系统的主要功能 3

2.2节能灯系统的整体方案 3

2.2.1节能灯系统的工作原理 3

2.2.2节能灯系统的整体硬件框图 3

2.3器件的选择 4

2.3.1主控芯片的选择 4

2.3.2红外传感器的选择 5

2.3.3声控模块的选择 6

2.3.4 延时电路模块的选择 8

2.3.5 灯源的选择 9

第三章 节能灯系统的硬件电路设计 11

3.1节能灯系统的硬件电路设计 11

3.1.1单片机模块 11

3.1.2 按键复位电路 11

3.1.3 晶振电路 12

3.1.4 红外传感器检测电路 12

3.1.5声控模块电路 15

3.1.6 延时电路 16

第四章 节能灯系统的软件设计 19

4.1软件流程设计 19

4.1.1总体程序流程设计 19

4.1.2单片机初始化流程 20

4.1.3延时电路控制灯源流程设计 20

第五章 节能灯系统的调试 21

5.1调试过程 21

5.2调试结果 21

5.3本设计存在的问题 21

结 语 23

参考文献 24

致 谢 26

附录 1 电路原理图 27

附录 2 硬件实物图 28


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